2008 - 2007 |
PAST SEMINARS (2008) December, 9 Valery M. Nakariakov
( " Waves and Oscillations in the Solar November, 25 N. Kleeorin (Ben-Gurion
University of Negev, "Formation of large-scale
inhomogeneous magnetic structures in a turbulent convection". November, 20 V.L. Dadykin, O.G. Ryazhskaya "Problems of
neutrino radiation detection from SN1987A. Twenty one year later." November, 13 I.V. Holin (Space Research Institute of RAS
(IKI)) "HDVI Goldstone - Green Bank
estimation of Mercury obliquity and libration - theory and experiment" October, 30 D.V. Titov (Max-Planck Institute
for Solar System Research, Space Research
Institute of "Venus Express:
mission results and future plans" October, 28 Skulachev, Dmitri P. (Space Research
Institute of RAS (IKI)) "25 Years after Relict-1 – the
First Attempt to Detect a Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy. Criticism of the Relict-1 Results in Light of
COBE and WMAP Data" October, 22 James Head ( "Approach of
Messenger with Mercury (January and October)" October, 21 V.L. Kovalev (MSU) "Analyse and Prediction
of Catalytic Properties of Heat Shield Coatings by Molecular Dynamic
Modeling" September, 16 G.G.Managadze (ISR
RAS) "Origin.
Hypothesis of arise the living mater in the plasma torch of the metorite
impact." August, 7 Pavel Ditmar ( "Observation of
natural mass transport on the basis of gravimetric data from the GRACE
satellite mission" July, 29 Andrei O. Fedorov
(CNES/CNPS/CETP) " Atmospheric-plasma
interactions in magnetospheres of Venus and Mars" June, 5 N.G. Makarenko
(Main Astrophysics Observatory of RAS, Sankt-Peterburg) "Topology
and Geometry of Images" June, 3 (beginning at 13.00) V.M. Agapov
(M.V.Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics) "Investigation
of man-caused near-earth orbits clogging" May, 15 1. N. Shaposhnikov
( "Determination
of Black Hole Masses via Correlations between their X-Ray Spectral and Timing
Properties" 2. N.N. Rosanov ( "Dissipative
optical solitons and some analogies with typhoons" April, 16 (beginning at 14.00) S.I. Popel
(Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres RAS) "Physical
Processes in a Dusty Ionospheric Plasma" March, 20 A.S.
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) "Some computational models for medical biomechanics and
ionospheric plasma" March, 13 A.T. Karpachev
and V.A. Telegin (IZMIRAN) "Irregular
structure of the upper ionosphere from the Intercosmos-19 satellite
data" February, 28 Elena
Gavryuseva (National Institute of Astrophysics and Space Physics, "Topology
and dynamics of the large scale solar magnetic field" February, 21 1. Dmitri
Vainchtein (Space Research Institute of "Resonance
phenomena: a tool for mixing, a tool for control, Part II" 2. Elena
Surovyatkina (Space Research Institute of "Application
of Bifurcation Analysis for the Detection of Invariants in Large Dimensional
Complex Systems " January, 24 V.M. Melnikov
(State Research and Production Association for Measuring Technology) "Need for
cosmic solar power systems and evolution of their creation
conceptions" January, 17 A.Yu. Rozanov, RAS corresponding member (Paleontological Institute
RAS ) "Reducing
atmosphere of the early earth" |