2008 - 2007 |
PAST SEMINARS (2010) December, 23 S.I. Ipatov "Formation and migration of planetesimals, small bodies and satellites" December, 16 A.B. Shvartsburg, N.S. Erokhin "Reflectionless tunneling of acoustic pulses
and waves in gradient medium" December, 9 O.F. Petrov "Strongly non-ideal plasma at laboratory
conditions and at conditions of microgravity: December, 2 A.G. Tuchin (Keldysh Institute of Applied
Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences) "Ballistic and navigation design
of missions to the Moon, planets and small bodies of Solar system" July, 8 T. Owen (USA) "Search for Life in
the Universe" June, 9 V.V. Lebedev (Landau Institute for
Theoretical Physics RAS) "Kinematic magnetic
dynamo in a random flow with strong average shear" Co-author: I.V. Kolokolov April, 7 Yoshiharu Omura (RISH, Kyoto
University, Japan) "Numerical simulation
in space plasma physics: current state" April, 6 Yoshiharu Omura (RISH, Kyoto
University, Japan) "Theory and
simulation of the generation of whistler-mode chorus" February, 4 M.V. Barkov (Space Research
Institute) "Close binary
progenitors of gamma ray bursts" January, 28 A.S. Bodrova ( "Kinetic theory of
nonequilibrium processes in systems of dissipative particles: application to
astrophysical systems" January, 21 M.A. Balikhin ( "Mirror waves: data
versus analytical models" January, 14 L.I. Matveenko (Space Research
Institute) "VLBI - fine
structure of cosmic radiosources" |