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"HDVI Goldstone - Green Bank estimation of Mercury obliquity and libration - theory and experiment".

I.V. Holin (Space Research Institute of RAS (IKI))



HDVI (Doppler variation interferometry as proposed by Holin) or Holin’s technique (HT) was created to measure instantaneous spin vectors of terrestrial planets by Earth-based radar with high precision (Holin, 1992). The HT limiting accuracy, named Holin’s limit (HL), overcomes accuracies expected from orbiters.


The current HT experiments show reliable cross-correlation of Doppler variations received at Goldstone and Green Bank (Margot et al., 2007) and high precision, as it was originally discussed (Holin, 1998, 1999). At the same time accuracies in obliquity and libration are still behind HL by about an order of magnitude. Also, published decorrelation is not consistent with known research and the results should be analysed in more detail.


In conclusion HT prospects in EuroAsia are estimated.