July 18-23, 1999 - Pasadena, California

Abstracts courtesy of the
Lunar and Planetary Institute


Structure of the Martian Polar Deposits
M. T. Zuber. ... 6229

Topography of the North and South Polar Ice Caps on Mars
A. B. Ivanov and D. O. Muhleman 6188

South Polar Region of Mars: Topography and Geology
P. M. Schenk and J. M. Moore ... 6178

Driving Stresses in Mars Polar Ice Caps and Conditions for Ice Flow
H. J. Zwally and J. L. Saba ... 6151

The Geometry of Chasma Boreale, Mars Using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter
(MOLA) Data: A Test of the Catastrophic Outflow Hypothesis of Formation

K. E. Fishbaugh and J. W. Head III ... 6187

Martian Polar Impact Craters: A Preliminary Assessment Using Mars Orbiter
Laser Altimeter (MOLA)

S. E. H. Sakimoto and J. B. Garvin .... 6195

Multispectral Mapping of the Martian Polar Ice Caps
A. W. Nolin and W. H. Farrand .... 6071

Evidence for the Possible Accumulation of Ice at the North Pole of Mars
D. S. Bass and D. A. Paige... 6095

Polar Layered Terrains: Links Between the Martian Volatile and Dust Cycles
R. W. Zurek. ... 6028

Climate-Rotation Feedback on Mars
B. G. Bills ... 6208

Surface Ages and Resurfacing Rates of the Polar Layered Deposits on Mars
K. E. Herkenhoff and J. J. Plaut.... 6065

Surface Properties of Mars’ Polar Layered Deposits and Polar Landing Sites
A. R. Vasavada and K. E. Herkenhoff ... 6086

Landscape and Surface Material Characteristics for the Mars Polar Lander
Landing Site: Analysis and Predictions

A. T. Basilevsky, H. U. Keller, W. J. Markiewicz, and N. Thomas ... 6060


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