December 1998 - First Announcement of


JULY 18-23, 1999



California Institute of Technology
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Lunar and Planetary Institute
National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Matthew Golombek — Mars Pathfinder Mission
Arden Albee — Mars Global Surveyor Mission
Richard Zurek — Mars 98 Mission
Daniel McCleese — Mars Program


Arden Albee
Graduate Office, Mail Stop 02-31
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Phone: 626-395-6367
Fax: 626-577-9246


The Fifth International Conference on Mars will be held at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), July 18-23, 1999. At that time a flotilla of new missions will be either sending new data back from Mars or will be on their way to Mars. The first such conference was held in 1973 as data was being returned from Mariner 9. Conferences were convened in 1979 and 1981 as data was returned from Viking. The fourth conference, in 1989, reviewed ten years of analysis of the Viking data and resulted in the publication of the classic 1498 page volume entitled Mars.

This conference will provide an opportunity to review summaries of the new measurements from lead investigators, to hear interpretations of the recent results in the context of what we already know, and to engage in discussions concerning the significance of these results. Sessions will be organized around major scientific topics that integrate across disciplines and measurements.


As currently envisioned the half-day sessions will be as follows:
1 — The Martian interior
2 — The Martian crust
3 — Surface history — water and volcanism
4 — Upper atmosphere and volatile evolution
5 — Structure and dynamics of the atmosphere
6 — Seasonal cycles
7 — The surface layer of Mars
8 — Climate evolution and the polar caps
9 — Biological potential
10— Mars as a planet — synthesis and evolution

Each session will include several invited theme papers, as well as shorter contributions, short comments, and posters. The invited speakers for the theme papers will provide ~4 page abstracts in advance of the general deadline for abstracts. Extended abstracts for the theme papers will be posted on the WEB in advance of the general deadline. This time will facilitate discussion and alternative interpretations by the other contributors. The sessions will be held in Ramo Auditorium and poster sessions will be held in the adjacent Dabney Gardens and Lounge. Box lunches will be available in the same area.


All attendees of the conference will receive the abstract volume on a CD-ROM as part of their registration fee in a format similar to that established by the LPSC meeting. A program booklet will include abstract numbers and an extended title for each paper. No publication is planned, but the extended abstracts can be referenced as are those for the LPSC meetings.


A Bar-B-Q is planned for Tuesday evening and a more formal dinner is planned for Thursday evening at the Caltech Athenaeum. Other events may be planned.


It would be very useful if you would indicate your interest in attending this conference by sending an e-mail response to You may also indicate your interest in providing one of the theme papers or in serving on the program committee. If you did not receive this mailing you need to so indicate in the e-mail message in order to receive the next mailing.


 December 1, 1998  First announcement
 January 15, 1999  Indication of interest, response by E-mail
 March 1, 1999  Second announcement mailed
 April 1, 1999  Deadline for WEB posting of extended abstracts for theme papers
 May 15, 1999  Deadline for abstracts for contributions and comments
 June 1, 1999  Accepted abstracts posted on WEB
 June 15, 1999  Registration deadline
 July 18-23, 1999  Fifth International Conference on Mars -  Pasadena, California


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