July 18-23, 1999 - Pasadena, California

Abstracts courtesy of the
Lunar and Planetary Institute


Examining Mars with SPICE
C. H. Acton, N. J. Bachman, J. A. Bytof, B. V. Semenov, W. Taber,
F. S. Turner, and E. D. Wright. 6042

PIGWAD — Planetary Interactive GIS on the Web Analyzable Database
T. M. Hare and K. L. Tanaka ... 6139

A Database of Viking Orbiter Image Coverage of Mars for Cartographic and
Scientific Use

R. Kirk, J. Barrett, and E. Howington-Kraus.... 6217

Status of the RAND-USGS Control Network of Mars
M. Davies, T. Colvin, R. Kirk, E. Lee, and R. Sucharski... 6049

USGS Mapping of the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site: Progress and Plans
R. L. Kirk, E. Howington-Kraus, T. Hare, J. Barrett, K. Becker, D. Cook,
T. Sucharski, K. Thompson, J. Blue, D. Galuszka, B. Redding, C. Isbell,
E. Lee, T. Rosanova, L. Gaddis, J. Johnson, L. Soderblom, W. Ward,
T. Parker, E. Dorrer, and A. Holzapfel.... 6216

An Image Map of the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site
M. Kuschel, J. Oberst, E. Hauber, and R. Jaumann ... 6109

A New Viking-based Precise Global Map of Mars
W. Zeitler, G. Niedermaier, J. Oberst, E. Hauber, and R. Jaumann ... 6107

Global Mapping and Individual Map Sheets — The Topographic Image Map
Series Mars 1:200 000

H. Lehmann, J. Albertz, M. Waehlisch, and G. Neukum... 6096

Location and Geologic Setting for the Three U.S. Mars Landers
T. J. Parker and R. L. Kirk ... 6124

Revision of the Mars Control Net and Global Digital Image Mosaic
R. Kirk, K. Becker, D. Cook, T. Hare, E. Howington-Kraus, C. Isbell,
E. Lee, T. Rosanova, L. Soderblom, T. Sucharski, K. Thompson,
M. Davies, T. Colvin, and T. Parker ... 6218

Geometrically Precise Maps and Their Applications
J. Oberst, W. Zeitler, M. Kuschel, and R. Jaumann.... 6106

Triaxial Ellipsoid as a Reference-Surface on Mars Mapping
L. M. Bugaevsky and K. B. Shingareva... 6219

Constraints, Approach, and Status of Mars Surveyor ’01 Landing Site Selection
M. Golombek, N. Bridges, G. Briggs, M. Gilmore, A. Haldemann,
T. Parker, R. Saunders, D. Spencer, J. Smith, L. Soderblom, and
C. Weitz ... 6068

Visualizing Mars Using Virtual Reality: A State of the Art Mapping Technique
Used on Mars Pathfinder

C. Stoker, E. Zbinden, T. Blackmon, and L. Nguyen... 6037

SSI/RAC: Imagers for Mars Polar Lander
M. T. Lemmon, R. A. Yingst, R. J. Reid, P. Smith,
and the MVACS Team .... 6205

FIDO/APEX/Athena-based Plans for Cartographic Products and Rover
Localization Analyses

R. Arvidson and S. Squyres ... 6103

Stereogrammetric Mapping of Mars: Promise, Progress, and Problems
P. M. Schenk and J. M. Moore ... 6209

The UCL IUS-Tithonium Chasma Digital Elevation Model
A. C. Cook, T. Day, and J.-P. Muller ... 6170

MOLA: The Future of Mars Global Cartography
T. C. Duxbury, D. E. Smith, M. T. Zuber, H. V. Frey, J. B. Garvin,
J. W. Head, D. O. Muhleman, G. H. Pettengill, R. J. Phillips,
S. C. Solomon, H. J. Zwally, and W. B. Banerdt .... 6040


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