December 31, 1997
10:00 PM PST
(UTC -8 hours)

What is New 31-DEC-97

Main JPL MGS Site:
Go to the Main JPL Mars Global Surveyor site for the latest information.
Mirror sites are updated once a day.

JPL Planetary Photo Journal
The primary repository of officially released images. Go to this site to place an order for hard copy images.

Latest Flight Status Report
The flight team is analyzing aerobraking options. Meanwhile, science data collection continues on a constant basis.

Images from Mars
View the most recent pictures of the Martian surface taken during aerobraking operations. New releases include the first color images taken by Surveyor's camera.

Live Spacecraft Telemetry
Follow this link to find out realtime information about all of the spacecraft's systems. Decode the symbols using the TELEMETRY KEY.

Spacecraft Animations
Animations showing the spacecraft in relation to Mars during aerobraking. Movies can be downloaded in either Quicktime or MPEG format.

General Information

Mars Science

Mission Status

Mission Overview


Mars Links


MOC Observations from Aerobraking Orbit (12/31/97)

Daily Temperature Maps of the Surface of Mars
New Mission Schedule - Extended Aerobraking (11/10/97) 

Thermal Emission Spectrometer - New Data Released (11/10/97)

MOLA Data Captured During Aerobraking Hiatus (11/10/97)

Magnetometer Data - New Release (11/10/97)

Current View of the Spacecraft in Relation to Mars

Search the Entire Mars Web Site

Real Time Orbit Update - 30 Second Refresh

History of Aerobraking Orbital Parameters

Refer to our list of contacts to properly direct general inquiries.

For technical questions or comments on this website contact:
Kirk Goodall
(, Mars Web Engineer