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Mars Pathfinder Mission
Our sister mission will land a spacecraft on Mars in July 1997!

Lockeed Martin Astronautics
Learn about the company that built Mars Global Surveyor

Malin Space Science Systems
Home of the Mars Orbiter Camera

Mars Thermal Emission Spectrometer Project
Home of the Thermal Emission Spectrometer at Arizona State University

NASA Experimental Instrumentation Branch
Creators of the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter

MGS Magnetometer and Electron Reflectometer Home Page
At NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center

The Daily Martian Weather Report
Brought to you by the Surveyor Radio Science Team

NASA/JPL Souvenirs
Purchase mission related shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and other items from our on-line store

Live From Mars!
An innovative K-12 Educational Outreach project

Life on Mars?
Could be the discovery of the century!

NASA Ames Center for Mars Exploration
Comprehensive educational resources for teachers and students

Mars Today
Current conditions on Mars and its relationship to Earth

The Aerospace Navigator
A comprehensive index to aerospace topics

Official newsletter of the Mars Exploration Program Office