MGS S/C Preparations For Final Tests

These photos show a few of the steps involved in the final preparations of the spacecraft at the Cape. Part of the MOC was slightly damaged by a handling fixture and minor repairs had to be made, the flight thermal blankets were installed and the solar array panels were installed, tested and folded for the launch configuration.

Click on the small pictures to view a full-color JPEG image.

MOC is being reinstalled on spacecraft after repairs at the Cape. (29k JPEG - P47927Bc)

Flight thermal blankets being installed. (29k JPEG - P47928Ac)

Preparations are made to install and test one of two solar arrays on S/C in PHSF. (22k JPEG - P47928Bc)

Panel performance is tested during solar array illumination test. (26k JPEG - P47927Ac)

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