The major geocentric coordinate systems used in the Space physics:

The Equatorial Inertial (GEI) coordinate system:

The Geographic (GEO) coordinate system:

The Solar-Ecliptic (SE) or (GSE) coordinate system:

The Solar Magnetospheric (GSM) coordinate system:

The Solar Magnetic (SM) coordinate system:

The Magnetic (MAG) coordinate system:

About space physics coordinate transformation see Russel [1971] and Hapgood [1992]


  1. Russell C.T. Geophysical coordinate transformation // Cosmic .Electrodyn. 1971. V. 2. P. 184-196.
  2. M.A. Hapgood, Space physics coordinate transformations: A user guide // Planet Space Sci. 1992. V. 40, P. 711-717

Dr. Victoria Prokhorenko
Last modified 7 January 1999