Solar System Data Archive
Solar System Data Archive (SSDA) archives the data collected by various Russian missions
devoted to study of planets and small bodies in Solar system.
The data from the solar-terrestrial missions
are contained in the separate
Solar-Terrestrial Data Archive.
The SSDA contains data sets passed through various levels of processing:
the telemetry data and processed data. Telemetry data are grouped according to project name.
The processed data are divided into:
- the planetary data subdivided into
- the data collected by the spacecraft in the way from Earth to planets subdivided into
interplanetary space
The SSDA includes also information in the form of templates in the PDS format.
The SSDA includes also public domain data of some non-Russian planetary
missions of interest for Russian users.

Images of Interplanetary Probes

Links to our partners' home pages:
PDS Home Page
Planetary Sciences at the NSSDC
Please, forward comments and suggestions concerning this page to Anatoly Dyachkov
Last updated 22 Feb 96