June 21, 2024, Friday, 03:00PM (GMT+03.00, Moscow), IKI, Room 200

Victor Egorov (IKI)

Radar of the space landing module:
measurement errors of range, altitude and vertical speed

(V.V.Egorov, D.B.Balter, M.V.Stalnaya)


We consider the issues of landing a space landing module (LM) on the surface of a planet using the example of the Moon. Graphs of the time dependence of the values of the height and vertical velocity of the LM at its final stage, starting from a height of 5000 m, are presented. It is proposed to use a radar with continuous radiation of 3-4 harmonics, a phase meter for echo signal delay, and a Doppler frequency shift meter as an on-board sensor for the indicated LM motion parameters. A block diagram of a radar and a range (altitude) meter is proposed. Calculations of methodological errors in measuring the height and vertical speed of the PM at various heights were carried out. The maximum measurement errors (within ±3σ) do not exceed the specified values.
