June 7, 2024, Friday, 03:00PM (GMT+03.00, Moscow), IKI, Room 200
This study explores the potential of using deep neural networks to detect
heterogeneous or atypical structures in astronomical maps. The research was
conducted on the cosmic microwave background maps from the Planck mission
obtained at various frequencies. The applied approach identified several atypical
anomalous structures in the actual maps of the Planck mission. This report
provides a detailed description of the machine learning model used and the
algorithms for detecting anomalous structures. A map showing the locations of
such objects was compiled and compared with the UT78 mask. Model quality
assessments were obtained. Examples of model result interpretations are
provided, focusing on specific regions of the map. Future research involves
expanding the dataset and conducting an in-depth study of the interpretability of
model results for a better understanding of the model's decision-making