February 17, 2023, Friday, 03:00PM (GMT+03.00, Moscow)

Atanas Marinov Atanassov
(Space Research and Technology Institute,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Branch in Stara Zagora

Development of a Parallel Optimized Situational Analysis Solver for Space Mission Analysis and Design


Modern trends in the development of space technologies are in the direction of minimization of satellites, scientific instruments and service subsystems. Instead of deploying one large satellite with many instruments, the possibilities of deploying heterogeneous multi-satellite configurations to solve common tasks are explored. Computer simulations are an important tool for analysis and optimizations at various stages of analysis, design and execution of space missions.

Situational analysis is an important tool for searching for time slots optimal for performing satellite operations. The number of emerging situational tasks depends on the solved scientific and technological tasks within the specific missions, as well as on the number of satellites, ground and space means of communication, control centers. Space debris collision assessments as well as joint operations with other satellites also pose additional tasks to solve. Situational tasks can include different numbers and types (geometric, physical) conditions. Their number can be large.

The development of flexible and efficient software tools for modeling and simulations applicable to the analysis and design of various space missions is an actual problem. Software tools for creating models of situational tasks (dialog editor) and a program processor for solving them were developed.
