To realize of space experiment it should be apply various Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) at L-P band and passive one- (or two-) channel microwave (scanning) radiometer at S-L bands (SCANRAD). For example, it may be planned to perform a joint mission as a part of the "Shuttle Radar Lab" Program of NASA/JPL. For passive microwave imagery the range is 8 (6) - 21 (18) cm wavelengths and swath width may be 50 - 100 km. Combine active-passive microwave long-time observations are conducted along the route of the "Martian Orbital Station".
In situ studies of martian cryolitozone by geo-radar sounding more detail description in International Program "MARSES".
The following new scientific results concerning with martian nature can be obtain due to combine active-passive microwave observations of martian surface: (a) distribution of large-scale surface roughness; (b) temperature, moisture and porosity global distributions on martian subsurface; (c) the soil integrate content, degree of salt solutions mineralization and water-liquid content of subsurface layer; (d) morphology of martian cryolitozine in the polar and other regions; (e) improvement of the martian global change model including climatic and geological phenomena.
Post Address: Profsojusnaja, 84/32 117810, Moscow, Russia E-mail: Fax: 7-095-333-3177Dr. Yuri Ozorovich"
Post Address: Profsojusnaja, 84/32 117810, Moscow, Russia E-mail: Fax: 7-095-333-3177 /233-1652/