Selected Bibliography (1990-1995)
- Klimov,S.I., V.V.Kopeikin, V.V. Krasnosel`skikh,
A.M.Natanzon, A.E.Reznikov, M.P.Gough, S.P.Kingsley,
T.A.Lachlan-Cope, H.G.Muller, L.J.C.Woolliscroft. On the use of
mobile surface radar to study the atmosphere and ionosphere of
Mars. Adv. Space Res., (1990), v.10, No.3-4, (3)35-(3)38.
- Grard,R., C.Nairn, A.Pedersen, S.Klimov, S.Savin,
A.Skalsky, J.G.Trotignon. Plasma and waves around Mars, Planet.
Space Sci., (1991), vol.39, No.1/2, pp.89-98.
- J.G.Trotignon, M.Hamelin, R. Grard, A.Pedersen, S.Klimov,
S.Savin, A.Skalsky, C.Kennel. A comparison between the Earth's
and Mars' bow shocks detected by the PHOBOS plasma-wave system.
Planet. Space Sci., (1991), vol.39, No.1/2, pp.99-112
- Trotignon,J.G., R.Grard, S.Klimov. Location of the martian
bow shock measurements by the plasma wave system on Phobos -2.
Geophys. Res. Lett., (1991), vol.18, No.3, pp.365-368.
- Krasnosel'skikh,V.V, A.M.Natanson, A.E.Reznikov, A.Yu.
Schokotov, S.I.Klimov, A.E.Kruglyi and L.J.C.Woolliscroft. Current
measurements in space plasmas and the problem of separating
between spatial and temporal variations in the field of a plane
electromagnetic wave. Adv. Space Res., (1991), vol.11, No.9,
- Krasnosel'skikh,V.V, M.A.Balikhin, H.St.C.Alleyene,
S.I.Klimov, W.A.C.Mier-Jedrzejowicz, A.K.Pardaens, A.Petrukovich,
D.J.Southwood, T.Vinogradova and L.J.C.Woolliscroft. On the nature
of low frequency turbulence in the foot of strong
quasi-perpendicular shocks. Adv. Space Res., vol.11, No.9,
p.(9)15-(9)18, 1991.
- Romanov,S.A., S.I.Klimov, P.A.Mironenko. Experimental
derivation of ELF waves dispersion relations and evidence of wave
coupling in the Earth's bow shock foot region from the results of
the "Prognoz 10" satellite. Adv. space Res., v.11, No.9, p.19-34,
- Skalsky,A.A., R.Gard, S.Klimov, C.M.C.Nairn,
J.G.Ttotignon, K.Schwingenschuh. The martian bow shock: wave
observations in the upstream region. J. Geophys. Res., (1992),
v.97, No.A3, pp.2927-2933.
- Trotignon,J.G., A.Skalsky, R.Grard, C.Nairn, S.Klimov.
Electron density in the martian foreshock as a by-product of the
electron plasma oscillation observations. J. Geophys. Res.,(1992),
v.97, No.A7, pp.10,831-10,840.
- Turin,L.S., S.I.Klimov, Yu.V.Lisakov, A.B.Izmailov,
V.l.Shirokov. Aspecs of equipment EMC in the international space
projects. Proceeding of International Wroclaw Symposium on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC 92, (1992), pp.353-356.
- Klimov,S.I.Energetics of ULF/ELF plasma waves in the
solar wind and outer Earth's magnetosphere. 26th ESLAB Symposium
Study of the Solar-Terrestrial System, ESA SP-346, (1992),
- Skalsky,A., R.Grard, P.Kiraly, S.Klimov, V.Kopanyi,
K.Schwingenschuh, J.G.Trotignon. Simultaneous plasma wave and
electron flux observations upstream of the Martian bow shock.
Planet. Space Sci., (1993), v.41, No.3, pp.183-188.
- Gustafsson,G., R.Bostrom, B.Holback, G.Holmgren,
K.Stasiewicz, T.Aggson, R.Pfaff, L.P.Block, C.-G.Falthammar,
P.A.Lindqvist, G.Marklund, C.Cattel, F.Mozer, I.Roth, M.Temerin,
J.Wygant, P.Decreau, A.Egeland, J.Holtet, E.Thtane, R.Grard,
J.-P.Lebreton, A.Pedersen, R.Schmidt, D.Gurnett, C.Harvey,
R.Manning, P.Kellog, P.Kintner, S.Klimov, N.Maynard, H.Singer,
M.Smiddy, K.Mursula, P.Tanskanen, A.Roux, L.J.C.Woolliscroft. The
spherical probe electric field and wave experiment for the Cluster
Mission. Cluster: mission, payload and supporting activities, ESA
SP-1159, (1993), pp.17-31.
- Klimov,S.I., Yu.V.Lisakov, A.A.Skalsky, D.Klinge,
S.P.Savin, H.-U.Auster, J.Juchniewicz, A.B.Izmaylov. In-flight
monitoring of the electromagnetic conditions on Phobos-1 and -2
spacecraft with the PWS and FGMM instruments. Proceedings of the
3rd ESA European Workshop on electromagnetic compatibility and
computational electromagnetics, Pisa, (Italy), 26-28 October,
p.127-134, 1993.
- Sopruniuk,P.M., S.I.Klimov, V.E.Korepanov& Electric fields
in space plasma, Naukova dumka, Kiev pp.190, 1994 (in Russian).
- Klimov,S.I., S.P.Savin, Yu.N.Agafonov, V.G.Lyakishev,
V.Ye.Korepanov, L.S.Turin. Small satellite for the electromagnetic
investigations (SPELIS). "Small Spacecraft and Launchers", Workshop
Proceedings, ASCONT, Moscow, p.55-60, 1994.
- Klimov,S., S.Romanov, E.Amata, J.Blecki, J.Buechner,
J.Juchniewicz, J.Rustenbach, P.Triska, L.J.C.Woolliscroft, S,Savin,
Yu,Afanas'ev, Angelis, U.Auster, G.Bellucci, A.Best, F.Farnik,
V.Formisano, P.Gough, R.Grard, G.Haerendel, V.Korepanov, H.Lehmann,
B.Nikutowski, M.Nozdrachev, S.Orsini, M.Parrot, A.Petrukovich,
J.L.Rauch, K.Sauer, A.Skalsky, J.Slominski, J.G.trotignon, J.Vojta
and R.Wronowski. ASPI experiment: Measurements of fields and waves
onboard the INTERBALL-TAIL mission. INTERBALL. Mission and Payload,
CNES-IKI-RSA, p.120-152, 1995.
- Klimov,S.I., A.A.Petrukovich, M.L.Pivovarov,
A.V.Prudkoglyad, V.G.Rodin, A.A.Skalsky, V.E.Korepanov. Tethered
systems in the magnetospheric studies. Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Tethers in Space, Smithsonian
Istitution, Washington, D.C., 10-14 April, p.1259-1268, 1995.
- Klimov,S.I., Yu.N.Agafonov, A.A.Skalsky, V.G.Rodin. The
electromagnetic clean subsatellite SPELIS for studies on
plasma-wave phenomena caused by operations of the electrodynamical
tethered systems (EDTS) in space plasmas. Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Tethers in Space, Smithsonian
Istitution, Washington, D.C., 10-14 April, p.1643-1652, 1995.