Yuri I.Yermolaev
Education: Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, 1978
Participation in space projects.
- Participation in preparation of MONITOR (Prognoz 8 satellite) and BIFRAM
(Prognoz-10-Intercosmos satellite) plasma experiments;
- data processing and interpretation of the results of SKS-04 (Prognoz-7,8
satellites), MONITOR and BIFRAM plasma spectrometers;
- PI of CORALL experiment in INTERBALL/Tail Probe mission;
- project scientist of Plasma-Wave Payload and PI of ELION plasma experiment
in future mission Relict-2.
Main topics of scientific interest.
- Structure and dynamics of solar wind;
- Ion abundance of solar wind and their connection with solar corona;
- Interaction of solar wind with magnetosphere;
- Dynamics of geomagnetospheric plasma sheet;
- Problems of Space Weather.
Doctor thesis ”Experimental research of large-scale structure of solar wind” (Диссертация на соискание степени доктора физико-математических наук «Экспериментальное изучение крупномасштабной структуры солнечного ветра»)
Citation index on various data bases
- http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LSqWrvwAAAAJ&hl=en
- http://www.expertcorps.ru/science/whoiswho/info/40836
- http://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=18366
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuri_Yermolaev
List of selected publications
- Vaisberg O.L., Gorn L.S., Yermolaev Yu.I. et al., Experiment on diagnostics of interplanetary and magnetospheric plasma onboard Venera 11, 12 spacecraft and Prognoz satellite.-Kosmicheskie Issledovania, v.17, N 5, 780-792, 1979 (in Russian)
- Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Yu.I. Observation of the solar wind stream with high heavy ion abundance and coronal conditions.- Preprint N 579, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1980
- Vaisberg O.L., Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Yu.I., Omelchenko A.N. Observations of heavy ions in the solar wind based on Prognoz 7 satellite data.-Kosmich.Issled., v.18, N 5, 761-765, 1980 (in Russian)
- Zastenker G.N., Denin A.B., Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Integral detector of charge particles with low energy.-Voprosi atomnoy nauki i tehniki. Yadernoe priborostroenie, v.2(47), 64-69, 1981 (in Russian)
- Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Yu.I. Observations of solar wind stream with high abundance of heavy ions and relation with coronal conditions.-Planetary and Space Science, v.29, N 11, 1235-1240,1981
- Zastenker G.N., Vaisberg O.L., Balebanov V.M. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Dynamics of the solar wind plasma parameters and behaviour of magnetosphere boundaries during the arrival of interplanetary shock waves to the Earth in the events of April-May, 1981.-Preprint D-305, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1982
- Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Yu.I, Pinter S. et al. Solar wind observation with high time resolution.-Kosmich.Issled., v.20, N 6, 900-905, 1982 (in Russian)
- Vaisberg O.L., Galeev A.A., Zeleny L.M. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Fine structure of magnetopause: Prognoz 7 and Prognoz 8 satellites measurements.-Kosmich.Issled., v.21, N 1, 57-63, 1983 (in Russian)
- Zastenker G.N., Borodkova N.L., Vaisberg O.L. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Interplanetary shock waves in the period after the solar maximum year: observation onboard the Prognoz 8 satellite.-Preprint Pr-841, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1983
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Ion composition of the solar corona and the interplanetary plasma.-Colloquium on Plasma Physics "Topics Common to the Laboratory and the Space Plasma Research", 10-14 September, 1984, Horska Kvilda, Publ. MFF UK, Czechoslovakia
- Vaisberg O.L., Omelchenko A.N., Smirnov V.N. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Study of interaction of solar wind and magnetosphere onboard Prognoz satellite.-In: Solar Activity Reasearch and Prognoz Space System, Nauka, Moscow, p.p.10-32, 1984 (in Russian)
- Vaisberg O.L., Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Omelchenko A.N. Heavy ion streams in the solar wind and diagnostics of the solar corona.-In: Solar ActivityResearch and Prognoz Space System, Nauka, Moscow,p.p.73-80,1984 (in Russian)
- Avanov L.A., Zastenker G.N., Vaisberg O.L., Yermolaev Yu.I. Solar wind small-scale structure observations at front of abrupt increasing of plasma bulk velocity.-Kosmich.Issled., v.22, N 5, 774-780, 1984 (in Russian)
- Zastenker G.N., Vaisberg O.L., Khamitov G.P. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Solar wind bulk flow parameters: Prognoz 7 observations during November, 1978 to June, 1979 /Catalogue of hour-averaged values/. -Preprint N 951, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1984 (in Russian)
- Bratischenko V.V., Ljubavsky K.V., Molchan S.I. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Application program unit for statistical analysis and its using for study of interplanetary plasma characteristics.-Preprint N 969, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1984 (in Russian)
- Beljaeva N.P., Gurin L.S., Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Reseach of algorithm of parameter estimation in model used in Intershock project /on test data/.-Plasma Physics Workshop of Intercosmos Program, Smolenice, p.p.21-33, Czechoslovakia, 1984 (in Russian)
- Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Kozak I. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Measurement of plasma parameters in solar wind and in shock waves. -Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, v. B 35, 557- 567, 1985
- Balebanov V.M., Vaisberg O.L., Zastenker G.N. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Devices and methods for shock study in space plasma.-Nauchnoe kosmicheskoe priborostroenie, N 4, Metallurgia, Moscow, 1985 (in Russian)
- Avanov L., Leibov A., Nemecek Z. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Fast measurement of solar wind parameters by the MONITOR instrument. -In: INTERSHOCK Project, Publ. N 60, Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 39-59, 1985
- Bedrikov A., Belikova A., Fedorov A. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Complex of plasma spectrometers BIFRAM.-In: INTERSHOCK Project, Publ. N 60, Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 113-142, 1985
- Fischer S., Gavrilova E., Jeres M. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Data processing system in the Intershock project.-In: INTERSHOCK Project, Publ. N 60, Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 330-341, 1985
- Zastenker G.N., Vaisberg O.L., Nemecek Z. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Study of fine structure of shocks by means of plasma spectrometer complex BIFRAM.-Kosmich.Issled., v.24, N 2, 151-165, 1986 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Kogan V.T. et al. Experiment on solar wind ion abundance determination by means of mass-energy-analyzers of BIFRAM complex.-Kosmich.Issled., v.24, N 2, 192-199, 1986 (in Russian).
- Babkin V.F., Yermolaev Yu.I., Zhyravlev V.I. et al. Adaptation principle of data recording and control of scientific devices: estimation of efficiency in Intershock project.-Kosmich.Issled., v.24, N 2, 217-227, 1986 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Behaviour of proton and alpha-particle bulk flow parameters with changing of solar wind velocity.- Kosmich.Issled., v.24, N 5, 725-734, 1986 (in Russian)
- Avanov l., Borodkova N., Nemecek Z. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Some features of solar wind protons, alpha-particles and heavy ions behaviour: the Prognoz 7 and Prognoz 8 experimental results. -Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, v. B 37, 759-774, 1987
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Large-scale solar wind ion component parameters: results of direct observations onboard spacecraft.-Preprint N 1281, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1987 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V., Zastenker G.N. et al. Variations of solar wind proton and alpha-particle bulk flow parameters: Prognoz 7 selective measurements.-Preprint N 1357, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1988, (in Russian)
- Kogan V.T., Koshevenko B.V., Pavlov A.K. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Anomalous high content of He^+ ions in the solar wind on April 30, 1985: observations by means of plasma spectrometer complex BIFRAM onboard Prognoz-10-Intercosmos satellite.-Preprint N 1291, A.F.Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Leningrad, 1988 (in Russian)
- Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Yu.I., Zhuravlev V.I. et al. Large- and middle-scale phenomena in the interplanetary medium: Prognoz 7,8,10 observations,-27-th Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Espoo, Finland, July, 1988, p.138 (abstracts); Adv.Space Res., v.9, N 4, 117-121, 1989
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V., Zastenker G.N. et al. Variations of solar wind proton and alpha-particle hydrodynamic parameters: Prognoz 7 observations.-27-th Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Espoo, Finland, July, 1988, p.139 (abstracts); Adv.Space Res., v.9, N 4, 123-126, 1989
- Belyaeva N.P., Gurin L.S., Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Solar wind parameters determination based on statistical processing on the Intershock experiment data.-Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, v.B 39, 408-414, 1989
- Zastenker G.N., Vaisberg O.L., Nemecek Z. ... Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Solar wind protons, alpha-particles and electrons in the shock wave and the potential barrier (the Intershock project).- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, v.B 39, 569-576, 1989
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zhuravlev V.I., Zastenker G.N. et al. Observation of singly-ionized helium in the solar wind.-Kosmich.Issled., v.27, N 5, 717-725, 1989 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Experimental study of solar wind minor ion components.-Ph.D.Thesis, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1988 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N. Dynamics of the solar wind heavy ion fluxes and some features of the solar corona.- Kosmich.Issled., v.28, N 1, 103-116, 1990 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V., Zastenker G.N., Khamitov G.P., Kozak I. Variations in hydrodynamic parameters of protons and alpha-particles in solar wind according to measurements on board the PROGNOZ 7 satellite.- Kosmich. Issled., v.28, N 2, 218-225, 1990 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Stupin V.V. Relationships between bulk parameters of solar wind protons and alpha-particles: PROGNOZ 7 selective measurements.- Preprint N 1575, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1990
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V. The helium abundance dependence on the solar wind conditions: Prognoz 7 measurements.-Kosmich.Issled., v.28, N 4, 571-580, 1990 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V. Some alpha-particle heating and acceleration mechanisms in the solar wind: Prognoz 7 measurements. -Planet.Space Sci., v.38, N 10, 1305-1313, 1990
- Yermolaev Yu.I. A new approach to study of large scale structure of solar corona on basis of measurements of solar wind parameters.- Kosmich.Issled., v.28, N 6, 890-902, 1990 (in Russian)
- Borodkova N.L., Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N. Motion of the strong disturbances in the interplanetary medium.-In: Physics of the Outer Heliosphere. COSPAR Colloquium, v.1, 391-392, 1990
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V., Kozak I. Dynamics of proton and alpha-particle velocities and temperatures in the solar wind: Prognoz 7 measurements.-Adv.Space Res., v.11, N 1, 79-82, 1991
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Large-scale structure of solar wind and solar corona: Prognoz 7 observations.-Adv.Space Res., v.11, N 1, 75-78, 1991
- Zastenker G.N., Avanov L.A., Yermolaev Yu.I. et al. Variability of the coronal structures and ion components in the solar wind. -Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, v.B 41, N 10, 1001-1008, 1991
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Large-scale strucrure of solar wind and its relationship with solar corona: Prognoz 7 observations.-Planet. Space Sci., v.39, N 10, 1351-1361, 1991
- Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Yu.I. Investigation of solar wind heavy ions and proton/alpha-particle relations with Prognoz 7 measurements.-In.: Proc. 1st SOLTIP Simposium, eds.S.Fischer and M.Vandas, v.1, 318-327, 1992
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., O.G.Badalyan et al. Types of solar wind streams and their relation to the structure of solar corona. -In.: Proc. 1st SOLTIP Simposium, eds.S.Fischer and M.Vandas, v.2, 288-293, 1992
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Helium abundance, acceleration and heating and large-scale structure of the solar wind.-In: Solar Wind Seven, COSPAR Colloquium, v.3, 411-418, 1992
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Mass, momentum and energy transport from the Sun to the Earth by different types of the solar wind: Prognoz 7 observations.-In.: Proc. 26th ESLAB Simposium, ESA SP-346, 217-222, 1992
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V. Energy, momentum and mass fluxes from the Sun in different types of solar wind streams: Prognoz 7 observations.-Kosmich.Issled.,v.30, N 6, 833-851, 1992 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Solar wind heavy ions and proton/alpha particle relations observed on board the Prognoz 7 satellite.-In.: Proc. 1st SOHO Workshop, ESA SP-348, 339-342, 1992
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Observations of He^(++) ions in the solar wind.- Kosmich.Issled.,v.32, N 1, 96-128, 1994 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Signature of coronal holes and streamers in the interplanetary space.-Space Sci.Reviews, 70, 379-386, 1994
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N. Differential flow between protons and alphas in the solar wind: Prognoz 7 observations.-J.Geophys.Res.,v.99, N A12, 23503-23504, 1994
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Scientific program of solar and solar wind observations: INTERBALL and Relict-2 missions.-Proc.3rd SOHO Workshop, ESA SP-373, 441-444, 1994
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Scientific program of observations on Solar-Terrestrial Physics on the Relict-2 mission.-INTERBALL mission and Payload, CNES-IKI-RSA, 409-410, 1995
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Velocities and temperatures of protons and alpha-particles in different types of solar wind streams.-Kosmich.Issled.,v.33, N 4, 381-388, 1995 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Transport of mass, momentum and energy from the Sun to the Earth by different types of solar wind streams.-ASP Conference series,v.95, 288-299, 1996
- Snadahl I., Pulkkinen T., ..., Yermolaev Yu., ... INTERBALL substorm observations - Christmas for space scientists.-Proc.3rd International Conference on Substorm, ESA SP-389, 497-506, 1996
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Solar wind helium observations on the Prognoz 7 satellite. -Proc.Solar Wind 8 Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 382, New York, 269-272, 1996
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Large-scale structure of solar wind as observed on the Prognoz 7 satellite.-Proc.Solar Wind 8 Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 382, New York, 475-478, 1996
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Solar wind helium observations on the Prognoz 7
satellite. -Proc.Solar Wind 8 Conference, AIP Conference
Proceedings 382, New York, 269-272, 1996
- Yermolaev Yu.I. Transport of mass, momentum and energy from
the Sun to the Earth by different types of solar wind streams.
-ASP Conference series, v.95, 288-299, 1996
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Stupin V.V. Helium abundance and dynamics in different types of solar wind streams: the Prognoz 7 observations.-J.Geophys.Res.,v.102, N A2, 2125-2136, 1997
- Yermolaev Yu.I. INTERBALL observations of the plasma sheet. -31st Scientific Assembly of COSPAR, 14-21 July, 1996, Abstracts, 170, 1996, Adv.Space Res., 983-991, 1997
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Borodkova N. et al. Magnetic cloud
event of 6-11 January, 1997: INTERBALL multi-satellite and
multi-instrument observations, ESA SP-415, 155-161, 1997
- Yermolaev Yu.I., What can we know about processes of formation
and dynamics of different types of solar wind on the basis of
proton and alpha observations, ESA SP-415, 401-404, 1997
- Savin S.P., Balan O., Borodkova N. et al. INTERBALL magnetotail
boundary case study, Adv.Space Res., 999-1015, 1997
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Fedorov A.O., Vaisberg O.L., Balebanov V.M.,
Obod Yu.A., Jimenez R., Fleites J., Llera L. Omelchenko A.N.
Ion distribution dynamics near the Earth's bow shock: first
measurements with the 2-D ion energy spectrometer CORALL on
the INTERBALL/Tail-probe satellite, Ann. Geophysic., 15,
5, 533-541, 1997
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Borodkova N.L., Kovrazhkin R.A.,
Kudela K., Lutsenko V.N., Nikolaeva N.S., Nemecek Z., Nozdrachev M.N.,
Safrankova J., Sauvaud J.-A., Skalsky A.A., Zelenyi L.M. Magnetic
cloud event on 6-11 January, 1997: INTERBALL multi-satellite and
multi-instrument observations, Proc. 31 ESLAB Conf., ESA SP-415, 1997
- Yermolaev Yu.I. What can we know about processes of formation and dynamics of
different types of solar wind streams on the basis of proton and alpha observations?
Proc. 31 ESLAB Conf., ESA SP-415, 1997
- Eiges, P. E., G. N. Zastenker, M. N. Nozdrachev, Yu. I. Yermolaev, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek,
Fast Variations of Solar Wind Ion Flux and Magnetic Field in the Foreshock: 1. Correlation
of Parameters, Kosmich.Issled.,v.36, N 3, 251-260, 1998 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Zastenker G.N., Nozdrachev M.N., Skalsky A.A.,
Zelenyi L.M. Plasma populations in the magnetosphere
during the passage of magnetic cloud of 10-11 January, 1997:
INTERBALL/Tail Probe observations,
Geophys.Res.Let., Vol.25, N 14, 2565-2568, 1998
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Observations of the Plasma Sheet: INTERBALL Project,
Kosmich.Issled.,v.36, N 3, , 273-281, 1998 (in Russian)
- Nikolaeva, N. S., G. N. Zastenker, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, M. N. Nozdrachev,
S. A. Romanov, Yu. I. Yermolaev, and N. A. Eismont, On Sources and Amplitude of
Magnetopause Motion, Kosmich.Issled.,v.36, N 6, , 537, 1998 (in Russian)
- Savin S. … Yermolaev Yu. et al. INTERBALL Tail Probe measurements in outer cusp and
boundary layers. AGU Monography 104, 25-44, 1998
- Savin S. … Yermolaev Yu. et al. The cusp/magnetosheath interface on May 29, 1996:
INTERBALL-1 and POLAR observations, Geophys.Res.Let., Vol.25, N 15, 2963-2966,
- Yermolaev Yu. I., L. M. Zelenyi, N. L. Borodkova, R. A. Kovrazhkin,
V. N. Lutsenko, A. A. Petrukovich, S. P. Savin, A. A. Skalsky, V. A. Sergeev,
T. Mukai, S.Kokubun, K. Liou, C.-I. Meng, G. Parks, J.-A. Sauvaud, Global Substorm
Effect and Convection Jet Under the Conditions of Continuous External Driving:
Multi-Spacecraft Observations on December 22-23, 1996, Czechoslovak
Journal of Physics, Vol. 49, No. 4a, p.p. 625-640, 1999
- Savin S, Budnik E, Nozdrachev M, Romanov V, Yermolaev Y, Zelenyi L, Blecki J,
Buechner J, Nikutowski B On the plasma turbulence and transport at the polar cusp outer
border, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 49: (4A) 679-693, Sp. Iss. SI APR 1999
- Sergeev, V. A. ,L. I. Vagina, L. M. Zelenyi, N. L. Borodkova, Yu. I. Yermolaev,
V. N. Lutsenko, K. Kudela, J.-A. Sauvaud, T. Mukai, S. Kokubun, and D. J. Williams, An
Event of Plasma Sheet Heating Observed by INTERBALL-1 and GEOTAIL Spacecraft,
Kosmich.Issled.,v.37, N 2, 107, 1999 (in Russian)
- Badalyan, O. G., T. E. Val’chuk, Yu. I. Yermolaev, and M. A. Livshits, Study of Helium
Abundance in Low-Speed Solar Wind Streams by the Data of Prognoz-7 and Prognoz-8
Satellites, Kosmich.Issled.,v.37, N 2, 143-150, 1999 (in Russian)
- Verkhoglyadova, O.; Agapitov, A.; Andrushchenko, A.; Ivchenko, V.; Romanov, S.;
Yermolaev, Yu., Compressional wave events in the dawn plasma sheet observed by
Interball-1, Annales Geophysicae, Volume 17, Issue 9, p.1145, 1999
- Yermolaev Yu.I., V.A.Sergeev, L.M.Zelenyi, A.A.Petrukovich, J.-A.Sauvaud, T.Mukai,
S.Kokubun, Two spacecraft observation of plasma sheet convection jet during
continuous external driving, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 177-180, 1999.
- Yermolaev Yu.I.,Observations of Multicomponent Distribution Function of Ions on the Interball
/ Tail Probe Satellite, Kosmich.Issled.,v.37, N 6, 623, 1999 (in Russian)
- Romanov, V., Savin, S., Klimov, S., Romanov, S., Yermolaev, Yu.,
Blecki, J., and Wronowski, R.: Magnetic turbulence at the
magnetopause: plasma penetration, J. Tech. Phys. (Poland), 40, 1,
329 332, 1999.
- Agapitov A.V., A. Andrushchenko, V. Ivchenko, S. Klimov, S. Romanov,
O. Verkhoglyadova, Yu.Yermolaev, Observation of vortical motions and
compressional waves in the dawn low-latitude sheet, Journal of
Technical Physics, v.XL, No 1, p.325-328, 1999
- Verkhoglyadova O.P., A.V.Agapitov, V.N. Ivchenko, S.A. Romanov, Yu.I.
Yermolaev: Study of vortices in the dawn plasma sheet using
Interball-1 data, in "Interball in the ISTP Program", Studies of the
Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction, ed. D.G.Sibeck and K.
Kudela, NATO Science Series C, Math and Phys. Sci., vol. 537, p.
265-276, Kluwer, 1999.
- Yermolaev Yu.I., G.N.Zastenker, N.L.Borodkova, R.A.Kovrazhkin, N.S.Nikolaeva,
M.N.Nozdrachev, S.P.Savin, A.A.Skalsky, L.M.Zelenyi, Z.Nemecek, J.Safrankova,
and J.-A.Sauvaud, Statistic study of magnetosphere response to magnetic clouds:
INTERBALL multi-satellite observations, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25,
N 1-2,177-180, 2000.
- Yermolaev Yu.I., L.M.Zelenyi, T.Mukai, V.A.Sergeev, N.L.Borodkova, S.Kokubun,
R.A.Kovrazhkin, K.Liou, C.-I.Meng, G.Parks, A.A.Petrukovich, and J.-A.Sauvaud,
Multi-spacecraft observations of series of substorms on December 22-23,
1996, Adv. Space Res., vol.25, No 7/8,1697-1701, 2000
- Romanov, S. A., S. I. Klimov, S. P. Savin, Yu. I. Yermolaev, N. L. Borodkova,
O. P. Verkhoglyadova, and J. Juchniewicz, Observation of Vortex Structure in Plasma
Flows near the Earth’s Magnetosphere, Kosmich.Issled.,v.38, N 5, 464, 2000 (in Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., A. A. Petrukovich, L. M. Zelenyi, E. E. Antonova, I. L., Ovchinnikov, and V.
A. Sergeev, Investigation of the Structure and Dynamics of the Plasma Sheet: The
CORALL Experiment of the INTERBALL Project, Kosmich.Issled.,v.38, N 1, 13, 2000 (in
- Yermolaev, Yu. I., G. N. Zastenker, and N. S. Nikolaeva, The Earth’s Magnetosphere Response
to Solar Wind Events according to the INTERBALL Project Data, Kosmich.Issled.,v.38, N
6, 563-576, 2000 (in Russian)
- Ovchinnikov, I. L.; Antonova, E. E.; Yermolaev, Yu. I. Determination of the Turbulent
Diffusion Coefficient in the Plasma Sheet Using the Project INTERBALL Data, Cosmic
Research, v. 38, Issue 6, p. 557-561 (2000).
- Russell, C. T.; Wang, Y. L.; Raeder, J.; Tokar, R. L.; Smith, C. W.; Ogilvie, K. W.; Lazarus, A.
J.; Lepping, R. P.; Szabo, A.; Kawano, H.; Mukai, T.; Savin, S.; Yermolaev, Y. I.; Zhou,
X.-Y.; Tsurutani, B. T., The interplanetary shock of September 24, 1998: Arrival at Earth
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A11 , p. 25,143-25,154, 2000
- Sibeck, D. G.; Kudela, K.; Lepping, R. P.; Lin, R.; Nemecek, Z.; Nozdrachev, M. N.; Phan, T.-
D.; Prech, L.; Safrankova, J.; Singer, H.; Yermolaev, Y., Magnetopause motion driven by
interplanetary magnetic field variations, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A11 ,
p. 25,155-25,170, 2000
- Kawano, H., S. Savin, A. T. Y. Lui, M. Fujimoto, S. Kokubun, T. Mukai, T. Yamamoto,
Y. Saito, S. Romanov, M.Nozdrachev, and Yu. Yermolaev, Solar wind discontinuity -
magnetosphere interactions observed by INTERBALL-1 and GEOTAIL: IACG Campaign
#2, Adv. Space Res., 25, N 7-8, 1405-1409, 2000
- Yermolaev, Yu. I., Strong Geomagnetic Disturbances and Their Correlation with Interplanetary
Phenomena during the Operation of the INTERBALL Project Satellites, Cosmic Research,
v. 39, Issue 3, p. 303-310 (2001).
- Savin, S. P.; Zelenyi, L. M.; … Yermolaev, Yu. et al., Turbulent Boundary Layer at the Border
of Geomagnetic Trap, JETP Letters, Volume 74, Issue 11, December 10, 2001, pp.547-551,
- Yermolaev, Yuri I.; Yermolaev, Michael Yu. Statistical relations between solar, interplanetary
and geomagnetic disturbances during 2.3 solar cycles (1976-2000), ESA SP-477,
Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-749-6, 2002, p. 579 – 582
- Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Yermolaev, M. Yu. Statistical Relationships between Solar, Interplanetary,
and Geomagnetospheric Disturbances, 1976-2000, Cosmic Research, v. 40, Issue 1, p. 1-14
- Ovchinnikov, I. L.; Antonova, E. E.; Yermolaev, Yu. I., Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet during
Substorms: A Case Study for Three Events Observed by the INTERBALL Tail Probe,
Cosmic Research, v. 40, Issue 6, p. 521-528, 2002.
- Petrukovich, A. A.; Yermolaev, Y. I., Interball-tail observations of vertical plasma motions in
the magnetotail, Annales Geophysicae, vol. 20, Issue 3, pp.321-327, 2002
- Pisarenko, N. F.; Budnik, E. Yu.; Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Kirpichev, I. P.; Lutsenko, V. N.;
Morozova, E. I.; Antonova, E. E., The ion differential spectra in outer boundary of the ring
current: November 17, 1995 case study, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial
Physics, Volume 64, Issue 5-6, p. 573-583, 2002
- S. Savin, J. Buchner, G. Consolini, B. Nikutowski, L. Zelenyi, E. Amata,
H. U. Auster, J. Blecki, E. Dubinin, K. H. Fornacon, H. Kawano, S. Klimov,
F. Marcucci, Z. Nemecek, A. Pedersen, J. L. Rauch, S. Romanov, J. Safrankova,
J. A. Sauvaud, A. Skalsky, P. Song, and Yu. Yermolaev, On the properties
of turbulent boundary layer over polar cusps, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
9: 443-451, 2002
- Ovchinnikov, I. L.; Antonova, E. E.; Yermolaev, Yu. I. Plasma sheet heating during substorm
and the values of the plasma sheet diffusion coefficient obtained on the base of interball/tail
probe observations, Advances in Space Research, Volume 30, Issue 7, p. 1821-1824, 2002
- Antonova, E. E.; Ovchinnikov, I. L.; Yermolaev, Yu. I., Plasma sheet coefficient of diffusion:
Predictions and observations, Advances in Space Research, Volume 30, Issue 12, p. 2689-
2694, 2002
- Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Petrukovich, A. A.; Zelenyi, L. M., INTERBALL statistical
study of ion flow fluctuations in the plasma sheet, Advances in Space Research,
Volume 30, Issue 12, p. 2695-2700, 2002
- Savin, S.; Zelenyi, L.; Maynard, N., … Yermolaev, Yu. et al., Multi-spacecraft tracing of
turbulent boundary layer, Advances in Space Research, Volume 30, Issue 12, p. 2821-2830,
- Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Yermolaev, M. Yu. Statistical Relationships between Solar, Interplanetary,
and Geomagnetospheric Disturbances, 1976-2000. 2., Cosmic Research, v. 41, Issue 2, p.
115, 2003.
- Yermolaev Yu. I., M. Yu. Yermolaev, Statistical Relationships between Solar, Interplanetary,
and Geomagnetic Disturbances, 1976-2000: 3, Cosmic Research, v. 41, Issue 6, p. 539, 2003,
(See also in Russian)
- Pisarenko N.F., Budnik E.Y., Ermolaev Yu.I., Kirpichev I.P., Lutsenko V.N., Morozova E.I., Antonova E.E., The main features
of the ion spectra variations in the transition region from dipole to tailward streched field lines, Advances in Space
Research, 31, N 5, p.p. 1347-1352, 2003
- Savin, S., L. Zelenyi, S. Romanov, I. Sandahl, J. Pickett1, E. Amata,
L. Avanov, J. Blecki, E. Budnik, J. Buechner, C. Cattell, G. Consolini,
J. Fedder, S. Fuselier, H. Kawano, S. Klimov, V. Korepanov, D. Lagoutte,
F. Marcucci, M. Mogilevsky, Z. Nemecek, B. Nikutowski, M. Nozdrachev,
M. Parrot, J. L. Rauch, V. Romanov, T. Romantsova, C. T. Russell,
J. Safrankova, J. A. Sauvaud, A. Skalsky, V. Smirnov, K. Stasiewicz,
J. G. Trotignon, and Y.U. Yermolaev, Magnetosheath-cusp interface,
Annales Geophysicae (2004) 22: 183-212
- Yermolaev Yu.I. "Burya mgloyu nebo kroet..." (Space Weather Influence
on man and technics). Zemlya i Vselennaya (Earth and Universe),
N5, pp.13-22, 2004 (In Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu.I. M.Yu. Yermolaev, A.A. Petrukovich, G.N. Zastenker,
L.M. Zelenyi, J.-A. Sauvaud, Statistic study of geomagnetic storm
dependences on solar and interplanetary events during 1976-2000,
Auroral Phenomena and Solar-Terrestrial Relations: Proceedings of the
Conference in Memory of Yuri Galperin", Moscow, Russia, 3-7 February
2003, Ed. by L. M. Zelenyi, M. A. Geller, and J. H. Allen, p.325-333,
2004 (33MB)
- Veselovsky, I. S.; Panasyuk, M. I.; Avdyushin, S. I.; Bazilevskaya, G. A.; Belov, A. V.; Bogachev, S. A.; Bogod, V. M.; Bogomolov, A. V.; Bothmer, V.; Boyarchuk, K. A.; Vashenyuk, E. V.; Vlasov, V. I.; Gnezdilov, A. A.; Gorgutsa, R. V.; Grechnev, V. V.; Denisov, Yu. I.; Dmitriev, A. V.; Dryer, M.; Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Eroshenko, E. A.; Zherebtsov, G. A.; Zhitnik, I. A.; Zhukov, A. N.; Zastenker, G. N.; Zelenyi, L. M.; Zeldovich, M. A.; Ivanov-Kholodnyi, G. S.; Ignat'ev, A. P.; Ishkov, V. N.; Kolomiytsev, O. P.; Krasheninnikov, I. A.; Kudela, K.; Kuzhevsky, B. M.; Kuzin, S. V.; Kuznetsov, V. D.; Kuznetsov, S. N.; Kurt, V. G.; Lazutin, L. L.; Leshchenko, L. N.; Litvak, M. L.; Logachev, Yu. I.; Lawrence, G.; Markeev, A. K.; Makhmutov, V. S.; Mitrofanov, A. V.; Mitrofanov, I. G.; Morozov, O. V.; Myagkova, I. N.; Nusinov, A. A.; Oparin, S. N.; Panasenco, O. A.; Pertsov, A. A.; Petrukovich, A. A.; Podorol'sky, A. N.; Romashets, E. P.; Svertilov, S. I.; Svidsky, P. M.; Svirzhevskaya, A. K.; Svirzhevsky, N. S.; Slemzin, V. A.; Smith, Z.; Sobel'man, I. I.; Sobolev, D. E.; Stozhkov, Yu. I.; Suvorova, A. V.; Sukhodrev, N. K.; Tindo, I. P.; Tokhchukova, S. Kh.; Fomichev, V. V.; Chashey, I. V.; Chertok, I. M.; Shishov, V. I.; Yushkov, B. Yu.; Yakovchouk, O. S.; Yanke, V. G.,
Solar and Heliospheric Phenomena in
October November 2003: Causes and Effects, Cosmic Research, Vol. 42,
No. 5, 2004, pp. 435 488. Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya,
Vol. 42, No. 5, 2004, pp. 453-508.
- Yu.I. Yermolaev and M.Yu. Yermolaev, Review of experimental
results on geoeffectiveness of solar and interplanetary events,
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 223 Multi-Wavelength Investigations of
Solar Activity , A.V. Stepanov, E.E. Benevolenskaya & A.G.
Kosovichev, eds. 2004
- L.M.Zelenyi, V.D.Kuznetsov, Yu.D.Kotov, A.A.Petrukovich,
M.M.Mogilevsky, K.A.Boyarchuk, G.N.Zastenker and Yu.I.Yermolaev,
Russian Space Program: Experiments in Solar-Terrestrial Physics,
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 223 Multi-Wavelength Investigations of
Solar Activity , A.V. Stepanov, E.E. Benevolenskaya & A.G.
Kosovichev, eds. 2004
- Yermolaev Yu. I., M. Yu. Yermolaev, G. N. Zastenker, L.M.Zelenyi, A.A.
Petrukovich, J.-A. Sauvaud, Statistical studies of geomagnetic storm dependencies on solar and interplanetary events: a review, Planetary
and Space Science, 53/1-3 pp. 189-196, 2005
- Nikolaeva N.S., V. A. Parkhomov, N. L. Borodkova, S.I. Klimov, M. N.
Nozdrachev, S. A. Romanov, Yu. I. Yermolaev, The Development of the
Magnetospheric Substorm and Its Influence on the Magnetopause Motion,
Planetary and Space Science, 53/1-3 pp. 169-179, 2005
- Kirpichev I.P., E.E.Antonova, N.L. Borodkova, E.Yu.Budnik,
V.N.Lutsenko, E.I.Morozova, N.F.Pisarenko, Yu. I. Yermolaev, The
features of the ion plasma pressure distributions in the
near Earth plasma sheet, Planetary and Space Science, 53/1-3, 2005
- Ermolaev Yu. I., L. M. Zelenyi, G. N. Zastenker et al., Solar and
Heliospheric Disturbances that Resulted in the Strongest Magnetic
Storm of November 20, 2003 (zip, 10.6 Mb), Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 45, No. 1,
2005, pp. 20-46. Translated from Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, Vol. 45,
No. 1, 2005, pp. 23-50.
- Yermolaev Yu.I., M.Yu. Yermolaev, G.N. Zastenker, L.M. Zelenyi,
A.A. Petrukovich and J.-A. Sauvaud
Erratum to Statistical studies of geomagnetic storm dependencies on solar
and interplanetary events: a review [Planetary and Space Science, 53 (2005)
189 196] Planetary and Space Science, Volume 53, Issue 6, May 2005, Page 693
- Savin S., Skalsky A., Zelenyi L., Avanov L., Borodkova N., Klimov S.,
Lutsenko, V.; Panov, E.; Romanov, S.; Smirnov, V.; Yermolaev, Yu.; Song, P.;
Amata, E.; Consolini, G.; Fritz, T. A.; Buechner, J.; Nikutowski, B.;
Blecki, J.; Farrugia, C.; Maynard, N.; Pickett, J.; Sauvaud, J. A.;
Rauch, J. L.; Trotignon, J. G.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Stasiewicz, K.
Magnetosheath Interaction with the High Latitude Magnetopause (pdf),
Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 26, Issue 1-3, pp. 95-133, 2005
- Nikolaeva N.S., Parkhomov V.A., Borodkova N.L., Klimov S.I.,
Nozdrachev M.N., Romanov S.A., Yermolaev Yu.I.
A Magnetospheric Substorm and the Motion of the Magnetopause,
Cosmic Research, Volume 43, Issue 4, pp.233-244, 2005
- Yermolaev Yu.I., L.M. Zelenyi, G.N. Zastenker, A.A. Petrukovich,
M.Yu. Yermolaev, N.S. Nikolaeva, M.I. Panasyuk, S.N. Kuznetsov,
I.N. Myagkova, E.A. Murav'eva, B.Yu. Yushkov, I.S. Veselovsky,
A.V. Dmitriev, A.N. Zhukov, O.S. Yakovchouk, V.D. Kuznetsov,
I.M. Chertok, V.N. Ishkov, A.V. Belov, E.A. Eroshenko, V.G. Yanke,
S.P. Gaidash, Kh.D. Kanonidi, S.V. Kuzin, I.A. Zhitnik,
A.P. Ignat'ev, V.A. Slemzin, N.K. Sukhodrev, S.A. Shestov,
M.V. Eselevich, V.G. Eselevich, G.V. Rudenko, V.M. Dvornikov,
V.E. Sdobnov, M.V. Kravtsova, V.M. Bogod, V.S. Kotel'nikov,
L.A. Pershakov, M.I. Beloglazov, V.I. Vlasov, I.V. Chashei,
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva, V.I. Kozlov, V.A. Parkhomov,
Yu.A. Kugaenko, R.Z. Khisamov, V.L. Yanchukovskii and K. Kudela
A Year Later: Solar, Heliospheric, and Magnetospheric Disturbances
in November 2004, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2005,
pp. XX-XX. Translated from Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, Vol. 45, No. 6,
2005, pp. XX-XX.
- Yermolaev Yu.I., L.M. Zelenyi "Veter, Veter, ty moguch..." Priroda,
N9, 4-14, 2005 (in Russian, pdf)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., "Vse besheney burya, vse zlee i zley...", Octopus,
Moscow, 34-45, 2005 (in Russian)
- Stepanova M., Vucina-Parga T., Antonova E. E., Ovchinnikov
I.L., Yermolaev Y.I. Variation of the plasma turbulence in the central
plasma sheet during substorm phases observed by Interball/Tail
satellite, Volume 67, Issues 17-18, Pages 1815-1820, December 2005
- Yu.I. Yermolaev and M.Yu. Yermolaev, Statistic study on the
geomagnetic storm effectiveness of solar and interplanetary events,
Adv.Space Res., Volume 37, Issue 6, p. 1175-1181, 2006
- S.S. Rossolenko, E.E.Antonova, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.P.
Kirpichev, V.N. Lutsenko , N.L. Borodkova, Plasma sheet and
magnetosheath plasma mixing in LLBL: Case study, Adv. Space Res., Volume 38, Issue 8,sPages
1744-1749, 2006
- Nikolaeva, N. S.; Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Borodkova, N. L.; Parkhomov, V.
A., Variations of the magnetopause position versus the level of
geomagnetic activity (according to data of the INTERBALL-1 Satellite
for 1995.1997), Cosmic Research, Volume 44, Issue 5, pp.385-392, 2006
- Yermolaev, Yu. I., M. Yu. Yermolaev, I. G. Lodkina, and N. S.
Nikolaeva, Statistical Investigation of Heliospheric Conditions
Resulting in Magnetic Storms, ISSN 0010-9525, Cosmic Research, 2007,
Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 1-8., Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007. Original
Russian Text, Yu.I. Yermolaev, M.Yu. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, N.S.
Nikolaeva, 2007, published in Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2007, Vol.
45, No. 1, pp. 3-11.
- Yermolaev, Yu. I., M. Yu. Yermolaev, I. G. Lodkina, and N. S. Nikolaeva,
Statistical Investigation of Heliospheric Conditions Resulting in Magnetic Storms, 2, Cosmic Research, 2007, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp.
- Nikolaeva N. S., V. A. Parkhomov, N. L. Borodkova and Yu. I.
Yermolaev, The Magnetospheric Boundary Motion During the Main Phase of
the Moderate Magnetic Storm (case study), Planetary and Space Science,
Volume 55, Issue 15, Pages 2299-2309, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2007.05.010
- Yu.I. Yermolaev, M.Yu. Yermolaev, N.S. Nikolaeva, L.G. Lodkina,
Interplanetary conditions for CIR-induced and MC-induced geomagnetic
storms, Bulg. J. Phys. 34, 2007, 128-135
- Rossolenko, Svetlana; Antonova, Elizaveta; Yermolaev, Yuri; Kirpichev,
Igor; Verigin, Mikhail; Borodkova, Natalia; Budnik, Elena,
Low-Latitude Boundary Layer (LLBL): Structure, Dynamics and
Magnetosheath Plasma Penetration inside the Magnetosphere, Romanian
Astronomical Journal, Vol. 17, Supplement Proceedings of the Young
Scientists' International School, HELIOSPHERE AND GALAXY, Sinaia,
Romania, 3-5 May 2007. Edited by Nedelia Antonia Popescu, Vasile Mioc,
and Cristiana Dumitrache., p.139-145
- Yermolaev, Y. I., and M. Y. Yermolaev (2008), Comment on "Interplanetary origin of intense geomagnetic storms (Dst < -100 nT)
during solar cycle 23" by W. D. Gonzalez et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2007GL030281
- Khabarova Olga V. and Yuri I. Yermolaev, Solar wind parameters behavior before and after magnetic storms, Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 384v390, 2008,doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2007.08.024
- Yermolaev Yu.I., L.M. Zelenyi, V.D. Kuznetsov, I.M. Chertok, M.I.
Panasyuk, I.N. Myagkova, I.A. Zhitnik, S.V. Kuzin, V.G. Eselevich,
V.M. Bogod, I.V. Arkhangelskaja, A.I. Arkhangelsky and Yu.D. Kotov,
Magnetic storm of November, 2004: Solar, interplanetary, and
magnetospheric disturbances, Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 2008, 334v341,
- Dalin P.A., Yu.I. Yermolaev, G.N. Zastenker and M.O.
Riazantseva, Large-scale solar wind density enhancement and its
boundaries: Helios 1, 2 and IMP 8 observations, Planetary and
Space Science, Volume 56, Issue 3-4, p. 398-405. 2008
- Rossolenko S.S., E.E. Antonova, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.P.
Kirpichev, N.L. Borodkova and E.Yu. Budnik, Formation and
characteristics of low latitude boundary layer, Advances in
Space Research, Volume 41, Issue 10, p. 1545-1550. 2008
- Yermolaev, Yu. I. Comment on "Geoeffectiveness of halo coronal
mass ejections" by N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro, and S. Akiyama (J.
Geophys. Res. 2007, 112, doi:10.1029/2006JA012149) Cosmic Research,
2008, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 540-541.
- Veselovsky I.S., Yermolaev Yu.I., Solar wind, in Plasma
HelioGeoPhysics monograph, eds. L.M. Zelenyi and I.S.Veselovsky,
2008, Fizmatlit, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-9221-1040-2 (In Russian, reference:
http://solarwind.cosmos.ru/txt/mono_descr.doc and content:
http://solarwind.cosmos.ru/txt/mono_cont.doc )
- Yu. I. Yermolaev, N. S. Nikolaeva, I. G. Lodkina, and M. Yu.
Yermolaev, Catalog of Large-Scale Solar Wind Phenomena during
1976-2000, Cosmic Research, 2009, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 81-94.
- Yermolaev Yu. I. and M. Yu. Yermolaev, Does Geomagnetic Storm Magnitude Depend
on Solar Flare Importance? Cosmic Research, 2009, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 460-465.
(Original Russian Text - Yu.I. Yermolaev, M.Yu. Yermolaev, 2009, published in
Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2009, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 495-500.)
- V. S. Prokudina, V. N. Kurilchik, Yu. I. Yermolaev, K Kudela,
and M. Slivka, Peculiarities of Long-Wave Radio Bursts from Solar Flares
Preceding Strong Geomagnetic Storms, Cosmic Research, 2009, Vol. 41,
No. 1, pp. 560-567.
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Yermolaev M.Yu. Solar and interplanetary sources of
geomagnetic storms: Space weather aspects, Geophysical Processes and
Biosphere, v.8, N 1, pp.5-35, 2009 (in Russian)
- Eselevich, V. G.; Bogod, V. M.; Chashey, I. V.; Eselevich, M.
V.; Yermolaev, Yu. I., Comment on the paper "CAWSES November 7 8,
2004, Superstorm: Complex Solar and Interplanetary Features in the
Post-Solar Maximum Phase," B. T. Tsurutani, E. Echer, F. L.
Guarnieri, and J. U. Kozyra, Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 (2008),
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2009, vol. 49, issue 1, pp. 133-135 (full text)
- Stepanova, M.; Antonova, E. E.; Paredes-Davis, D.; Ovchinnikov,
I. L.; Yermolaev, Y. I., Spatial variation of eddy-diffusion
coefficients in the turbulent plasma sheet during substorms, Annales
Geophysicae, Volume 27, Issue 4, 2009, pp.1407-1411
- Veselovsky, I. S.; Panasyuk, M. I.; Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Zelenyi,
L. M., Strong perturbations on the Sun and in the heliosphere leading
to large geomagnetic storms: Similar and individual characteristics,
Advances in Space Research, 2009, Volume 43, Issue 4, p. 537-541.
- Yermolaev Yu. I., I.G. Lodkina, N.S. Nikolaeva, and M. Yu. Yermolaev, The floor in the
interplanetary magnetic field: Estimation on the basis of relative duration of ICME observations in solar wind during 1976-2000,
Solar Physics, 260: 219-224, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s11207-009-9438-2
- Yermolaev Yu.I., N.S. Nikolaeva I.G. Lodkina, M.Yu. Yermolaev, Relative occurrence rate and geoeffectiveness of large-scale types of the solar, Cosmic Research, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp.1-30, 2010
- Yermolaev, Yuri I.; Nikolaeva, Nadezhda S.; Lodkina, Irina G.; Yermolaev, Mikhail Yu, Large-scale solar wind structures: occurrence rate and geoeffectiveness, TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1216, pp. 648-651, 2010
- Parnowski A. S., Yu. I. Yermolayev, I. T. Zhuk, SPACE WEATHER: THE HISTORY
OF RESEARCH AND FORECASTING, Space Science and Technology,. 2010. V. 16. No 1. pp. 90-99. (In Russian)
- Yermolaev Yu. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Yu.
Yermolaev. Statistical Study of Interplanetary Condition Effect on
Geomagnetic Storms, Cosmic Research, 2010, Vol. 48,
No. 6, pp. 485-500. (Russian Text published in Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2010,
Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 499-515)
- Yu. I. Yermolaev and M. Yu. Yermolaev, Solar and Interplanetary Sources of Geomagnetic Storms: Space Weather Aspects
// Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2010, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 799–819. 2010.
(Original Russian Text: Yu.I. Yermolaev, M.Yu. Yermolaev, 2010, published in Geofizicheskie protsessy i biosfera, 2009,
Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 5–35., see point 148 and text)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., N.S. Nikolaeva I.G. Lodkina, M.Yu. Yermolaev, Specific interplanetary conditions for CIR-, Sheath-, and ICME-induced
geomagnetic storms obtained by double superposed epoch analysis, Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 28, N 12, pp.2177-2186, 2010
- Yermolaev Yu. I., Lodkina I. G., Nikolaeva N. S., and Yermolaev M. Yu., Statistical Study of Interplanetary Condition Effect on Geomagnetic Storms: 2. Variations of Parameters, Cosmic Research, 2011, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 21-34, 2011. (Original Russian Text: Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, N.S. Nikolaeva, M.Yu. Yermolaev, published in Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2011, Vol. 49, No.1, pp. 24-37)
- Nikolaeva N. S., Yermolaev Yu. I., and Lodkina I. G., Dependence of Geomagnetic Activity during Magnetic Storms on the Solar Wind Parameters for Different Types of Streams, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2011, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 49-65. 2011.
(Original Russian Text: N.S. Nikolaeva, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, 2011, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2011, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 51-67)
- Nikolaeva N.S., Yermolaev Yu.I., Lodkina I.G., Dependence of Geomagnetic Activity during Magnetic Storms on the Solar Wind Parameters for Different Types of Streams: 2. Main Phase of Storm, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2012, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 28–36. 2012. (Original Russian Text: N.S. Nikolaeva, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, 2012, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2012, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 31–40.)
- Nikolaeva N.S., Yermolaev Yu.I., Lodkina I.G., Dependence of Geomagnetic Activity during Magnetic Storms on the Solar Wind Parameters for Different Types of Streams: 3. Development of storm, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2012, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 37–48., 2012. (Original Russian Text: N.S. Nikolaeva, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, 2012, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2012, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 41–52.)
- Yermolaev, Y. I., N. S. Nikolaeva, I. G. Lodkina, and M. Y.
Yermolaev (2012), Geoeffectiveness and efficiency of CIR, sheath, and ICME in generation of magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A00L07, doi:10.1029/2011JA017139.
- Yermolaev, Y. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Y. Yermolaev (2012), Recovery phase of magnetic storms induced by different interplanetary drivers, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A08207, doi:10.1029/2012JA017716
- Yermolaev, Y. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Y. Yermolaev (2013), Occurrence rate of extreme magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, 4760–4765, doi:10.1002/jgra.50467.
- N.S. Nikolaeva, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, Modeling of Dst-index temporal profile on the main phase of the magnetic storms generated by different types of solar wind, Cosmic Research, 2013, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 401–412 (Original Russian Text: N.S. Nikolaeva, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, 2013, Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya , v. 51, № 6, pp. 443–454)
- Nikolaeva N.S., Yermolaev Yu.I., Lodkina I.G., Dependence of Geomagnetic Activity during Magnetic Storms on the Solar Wind Parameters for Different Types of Streams: 4. Simulation for Magnetic Clouds, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2014, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 152–161, 2014. (Original Russian Text: N.S. Nikolaeva, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2014, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 163–173.)
- Yermolaev Yu. I., Where Are Medium-Scale Solar-Wind Variations Formed? Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2014, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 162–163. (Original Russian Text Yu.I. Yermolaev, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2014, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 174–175.)
Yermolaev Yu. I., Erratum to: “Where are medium-scale solar-wind variations formed?”, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2014, Volume 54, Issue 6, p 865, DOI 10.1134/S001679321488001X
- Yermolaev, Y. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Y. Yermolaev (2014), Influence of the interplanetary driver type on the durations of the main and recovery phases of magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 10, 8126–8136, doi:10.1002/2014JA019826
- N. S. Nikolaeva, Yu. I. Yermolaev, and I. G. Lodkina, Modeling of
the Corrected Dst* Index Temporal Profile on the Main Phase of the
Magnetic Storms Generated by Different Types of Solar Wind, Cosmic
Research, 2015, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 119–127. (Original Russian Text N.S. Nikolaeva,
Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, published in Kosmicheskie
Issledovaniya, 2015, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 126–135.
- Nadezhda Nikolaeva, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Predicted dependence of the cross polar cap potential saturation on the type of solar wind stream, Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1366–1373 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2015.06.029)
- Yermolaev Yu. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Yu. Yermolaev, Does the Duration of the Magnetic Storm Recovery Phase Depend on the Storm Development Rate in Its Main Phase? Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 421–424. (Original Russian Text Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, N.S. Nikolaeva, M.Yu. Yermolaev, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 435–439).
- Yermolaev, Yu. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Yu. Yermolaev (2015), Dynamics of large-scale solar wind streams obtained by the double superposed epoch analysis, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JA021274.
- Zelenyi L.M.. et al., Study of solar-terrestrial relationship by means of Spacecraft built by Lavochkin Association, Journal «VESTNIK «NPO IM. S.A. LAVOCHKINA», 2015, pp.17-28
- Yermolaev Yu. I., I. G. Lodkina, N. S. Nikolaeva, and M. Yu. Yermolaev, Does the Duration of the Magnetic Storm Recovery Phase Depend on the Storm Development Rate in Its Main Phase? 2. New method, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 276–280. (Original Russian Text Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, N.S. Nikolaeva, M.Yu. Yermolaev, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 296–301).
- Yermolaev Yu. I., Magnetic storms: Myths and facts (Published: РФФИ, Научно-популярные статьи и фотоматериалы, июль 2016, http://brics.rfbr.ru/rffi/ru/popular_science_articles/o_1959232).
- Petrukovich A.A., Yermolaev Yu. I., Eismont N.A., Solar wind monitoring for space weather forecast,
(А.А. Петрукович, Ю.И. Ермолаев, Н.А. Эйсмонт, Мониторинг солнечного ветра с целью оперативного прогноза гелиогеофизической обстановки, In book: Practical Aspects of heliogeophysics (Практические аспекты гелиогеофизики), Publisher: Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт космических исследований Российской академии наук (ИКИ РАН), 2016, Editors: Petrukovich Anatoli, Mёrzlyy Aleksei, Khabibulin Sergei, pp.11-21, http://iki.cosmos.ru/books/2016gelioph.pdf)
- Riazantseva M.O., Rakhmanova L.S., Zastenker G.N., Y.I. Ermolaev. Types of spectra of ion flux fluctuations in the solar wind and magnetosheath at the interface between inertial and dissipative ranges, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2017, Vol. 57, No 1, pp. 1-7 . DOI: 10.1134/S001679321701011X (Original Russian Text: Рязанцева М.О., Рахманова Л.С., Застенкер Г.Н., Ермолаев Ю.И., Типы спектров флуктуаций потока ионов в солнечном ветре и магнитослое на стыке инерционного и диссипативного интервалов, Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. 2017. Т. 57. № 1. С. 3-9. DOI: 10.7868/S0016794017010114)
- Shugay Y.S., Veselovsky I.S., Slemzin V.A., Yermolaev Y.I., Rodkin D.G., Possible causes of the discrepancy between the predicted and observed parameters of high-speed solar wind streams, Cosmic Research, 2017, Vol. 55, No 1, pp. 20-29 DOI: 10.1134/S0010952517010087 (Original Russian Text: Шугай Ю.С., Веселовский И.С., Слемзин В.А., Ермолаев., Ю.И., Родькин Д.Г., О возможных причинах несоответствия между прогнозируемыми и наблюдаемыми параметрами высокоскоростных потоков солнечного ветра, Космические исследования, 2017, Т. 55, №1, С. 22-31. DOI: 10.7868/S0023420617010083)
- Yermolaev Y. I., Lodkina I. G., Nikolaeva N. S., Yermolaev M. Y., Ryazantseva M. O., Some Problems of Identification of Large-Scale Solar Wind types and Their Role in the Physics of the Magnetosphere, Cosmic Research, 2017, Vol. 55, No 3, pp. 178–189 DOI: 10.1134/S0010952517030029 (Original Russian Text: Ермолаев Ю. И., Лодкина И. Г., Николаева Н.С., Ермолаев М. Ю., Рязанцева М. О., Некоторые вопросы идентификации крупномасштабных типов солнечного ветра и их роли в физике магнитосферы, Космические исследования, 2017, Т. 55, №3, С. 189–200, DOI: 10.7868/S0023420617030025)
- Rakhmanova L.S., Riazantseva M.O., Zastenker G.N., Yermolaev Y.I., High-frequency plasma fluctuations in the middle magnetosheath and near its boundaries: Spektr-R observations, Journal of Plasma Physics 83 (2), 2017, https://doi.org/10.1017/S002237781700023X
- Riazantseva M., V. Budaev, L. Rakhmanova, G. Zastenker, Yu. Yermolaev, I. Lodkina, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, L. Prech, Variety of shapes of solar wind ion flux spectra: Spektr-R measurements, Journal of Plasma Physics 83 (4), 2017, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022377817000502
- Nikolaeva N.S., YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, MY Yermolaev, Does Magnetic Storm Generation Depend on the Solar Wind Type? Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 57 (5), 512–518 (Original Russian Text : Cosmic Research, 2017, Vol. 55, No 3, pp. 178–189 DOI: 10.1134/S0010952517030029 (Original Russian Text: Николаева Н.С., Ермолаев Ю. И., Лодкина И. Г., Ермолаев М. Ю., Зависит ли генерация магнитной бури от типа солнечного ветра? Геомагнетизм и аэрономия 57 (5), 2017, 555-561 DOI: 10.7868/S0016794017050169)
- Sapunova O.V., NL Borodkova, VG Eselevich, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Fine structure of interplanetary shock fronts from the data of the BMSW instrument of the PLASMA-F experiment, Cosmic Research 55 (6), 2017, 396-402 DOI: 10.1134/S0010952517060090 (Original Russian Text: Сапунова О.В., НЛ Бородкова, ВГ Еселевич, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, Тонкая структура фронтов межпланетных ударных волн по данным прибора бмсв эксперимента Плазма-Ф, Космические исследования 55 (6), 2017, 414-428 DOI: 10.7868/S0023420617060036 )
- Eselevich V.G., NL Borodkova, OV Sapunova, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Effect of reflected ions on the formation of the structure of interplanetary quasi-perpendicular shocks for Mach numbers lower than the first critical mach number, Cosmic Research 55 (6), 2017, 403-416 DOI: 10.1134/S0010952517060041 (Original Russian Text: Еселевич В.Г., НЛ Бородкова, ОВ Сапунова, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, Влияние отраженных ионов на формирование структуры межпланетных квазиперпендикулярных ударных волн при числах Маха, меньше первого критического числа Маха, Космические исследования 55 (6), 2017, 414-428 DOI: 10.7868/S0023420617060048)
- Riazantseva M.O., VP Budaev, LS Rakhmanova, NL Borodkova, GN Zastenker, Yu I Yermolaev, J Safrankova, Z Nemecek, L Prech, A Pitna, Intermittency of the solar wind density near the interplanetary shock, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 57 (6), 2017, 645-654 DOI: 10.1134/S001679321706010X ((Original Russian Text: МО Рязанцева, ВП Будаев, ЛС Рахманова, НЛ Бородкова, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, Я Шафранкова, З Немечек, Л Прех, А Питна, Перемежаемость плотности солнечного ветра вблизи межпланетной ударной волны, Геомагнетизм и аэрономия 57 (6), 2017, 696-705 DOI: 10.7868/S0016794017060104)
- Yermolaev Y.I., IG Lodkina, NS Nikolaeva, MY Yermolaev, Geoeffectiveness of solar and interplanetary structures and generation of strong geomagnetic storms, In book: Extreme Events in Geospace: Origins, Predictability, and Consequences, Elsevier, 2017, 99-114 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812700-1.00004-2
- Yermolaev Y.I., IG Lodkina, NS Nikolaeva, MY Yermolaev, Dynamics of Large-Scale Solar-Wind Streams Obtained by the Double Superposed Epoch Analysis: 2. Comparisons of CIRs vs. Sheaths and MCs vs. Ejecta, Solar Physics 292, 2017, 193 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11207-017-1205-1
- Podladchikova T., A Petrukovich, Y Yermolaev, Performance analysis of geomagnetic storm forecasting service StormFocus: 5 years online, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8, 2017, A22 https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2018017
- Shugay Y., V Slemzin, D Rodkin, Y Yermolaev, I Veselovsky, Influence of coronal mass ejections on parameters of high-speed solar wind: a case study, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2018015
- Yermolaev Y.I., IG Lodkina, MY Yermolaev, Dynamics of Large-Scale Solar-Wind Streams Obtained by the Double Superposed Epoch Analysis: 3. Deflection of the Velocity Vector, Solar Physics 293, 2018, 91 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11207-018-1310-9
- Yermolaev Yu. I., IG Lodkina, NS Nikolaeva, M Yu Yermolaev, MO Riazantseva, LS Rakhmanova, Statistic study of the geoeffectiveness of compression regions CIRs and Sheaths, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 180, Pages 52-59, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2018.01.027
- Lodkina I.G., YI Yermolaev, MY Yermolaev, MO Riazantseva, Some Problems of Identifying Types of Large-Scale Solar Wind and Their Role in the Physics of the Magnetosphere: 2, Cosmic Research 56 (5), 331–342, 2018 DOI https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952518050052 (Original Russian Text: Лодкина И. Г., Ю. И. Ермолаев, М. Ю. Ермолаев, М. О. Рязанцева, Некоторые вопросы идентификации крупномасштабных типов солнечного ветра и их роли в физике магнитосферы. 2., Космические Исследования, 56 (5), 2018 )
- Dremukhina L. A., I. G. Lodkina, Yu. I. Yermolaev, Relationship between the Parameters of Various Solar Wind Types and Geomagnetic Activity Indices, Cosmic Research , Volume 56, Issue 6, pp 426–433, 2018 DOI https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952518060011 (Original Russian Text: Дремухина Л.А., Лодкина И.Г., Ермолаев Ю.И., Связь параметров солнечного ветра разных типов с с индексами геомагнитной активности, Космические Исследования, 56 (6), 2018)
- Dremukhina L. A., I. G. Lodkina, Yu. I. Yermolaev, Statistical Study of the Effect of Different Solar Wind Types on Magnetic Storm Generation During 1995–2016, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 58 (6), 737–742, 2018 (Original Russian Text: Дремухина Л.А., Лодкина И.Г., Ермолаев Ю.И., Статистическое исследование воздействия солнечного ветра разных типов на генерацию магнитных бурь в период 1995-2016 гг., Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, 58 (6), 2018 )
- Eselevich V.G., NL Borodkova, OV Sapunova, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Structure of the Front of a Collisionless Oblique Interplanetary Shock Wave from High Time Resolution Measurements of Solar-Wind Plasma Parameters, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 58 (6), 728, 2018 (Original Russian Text: Еселевич В.Г., Н.Л. Бородкова, О.Л. Сапунова, Г.Н. Застенкер, Ю.И. Ермолаев Структура фронта косой межпланетной ударной волны по измерениям параметров плазмы солнечного ветра с высоким временным разрешением, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, 58 (6), 2018)
- NL Borodkova, VG Eselevich, GN Zastenker, OV Sapunova, YI Yermolaev, ..., Fine Structure of Interplanetary Shock Front—Results from BMSW Experiment with High Time Resolution, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 124, Issue 11, Pages 8191-8207, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA026255 2019
- YI Yermolaev, Estimation of the Size of an Electric Current with High Helium Abundance inside a Magnetic Cloud,Cosmic Research 57 (6), 471–472, 2019 (Original Russian Text: ЮИ Ермолаев, Оценка размера электрического тока с повышенным содержанием гелия внутри магнитного облака, Cosmic Research 57 (6), 477–478, 2019)
- LA Dremukhina, YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, Dynamics of Interplanetary Parameters and Geomagnetic Indices during Magnetic Storms Induced by Different Types of Solar Wind, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 59 (6), 639–650 4 2019 (Original Russian Text: ЛА Дремухина, ЮИ Ермолаев, ИГ Лодкина, Динамика межпланетных параметров и геомагнитных индексов в периоды магнитных бурь, инициированных разными типами солнечного ветра, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия 59 (6), DOI: 10.1134/S0016794019060063 2019)
- LS Rakhmanova, MO Riazantseva, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, ..., Turbulent Cascade in the Magnetosheath Affected by the Solar Wind’s Plasma Turbulence, Cosmic Research 57 (6), 443, 2019 (Original Russian Text: ЛС Рахманова, МО Рязанцева, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, ..., Влияние характеристик турбулентности плазмы солнечного ветра на свойства турбулентного каскада в магнитослое, Космические исследования DOI: 10.1134/S0023420619060074 2019)
- MO Riazantseva, LS Rakhmanova, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, ..., Small-Scale Plasma Fluctuations in Fast and Slow Solar Wind Streams, Cosmic Research 57 (6), 434 2019 (Original Russian Text: МО Рязанцева, ЛС Рахманова, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, ..., Мелкомасштабные флуктуации плазмы солнечного ветра в быстрых и медленных потоках, Космические исследования 57 (6), 451-460 2 2019)
- MO Riazantseva, LS Rakhmanova, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, ..., Features of the Spectral Characteristics of Plasma Fluctuations in Different Large-Scale Streams of the Solar Wind, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 59 (2), 127-135 2019 (Original Russian Text: МО Рязанцева, ЛС Рахманова, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, ..., Особенности спектральных характеристик плазменных флуктуаций в различных крупномасштабных потоках солнечного ветра, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия 59 (2), 139-147, 2019)
- VI Zhuravlev, YI Yermolaev, AS Andrianov, Probing the ionosphere by the pulsar B0950+08 with help of RadioAstron ground-space baselines, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491 (4), 5843–585,2020
- YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, MY Yermolaev, MO Riazantseva, ..., Dynamics of large-scale solar-wind streams obtained by the double superposed epoch analysis. 4. Helium abundance, Journal of Geophysical Research, 125 (7), e2020JA027, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA027878, 2020
- AA Petrukovich, HV Malova, VY Popov, EV Maiewski, VV Izmodenov, ..., Modern view of the solar wind from micro to macro scales, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 63 (8), 801-811, 2020 (Original Russian Text: Петрукович А.А., Малова Х.В., Попов В.Ю., Маевский Е.В., Измоденов В.В., Катушкина О.А., Виноградов А.А., Рязанцева М.О., Рахманова Л.С., Подладчикова~Т.В., Застенкер Г.Н., Ермолаев Ю.И., Лодкина И.Г., Чесалин Л.С. Современный взгляд на солнечный ветер, от микро- до макромасштабов, Успехи физических наук 190 (8), 2020)
- IG Lodkina, YI Yermolaev, MY Yermolaev, MO Riazantseva, ..., Some Problems of Identifying Types of Large-Scale Solar Wind and Their Role in the Physics of the Magnetosphere: 3. Use of published incorrect data, Cosmic Research 58 (5), 338–356 DOI: 10.1134/S001095252005007X, 2020 (Original Russian Text: ИГ Лодкина, ЮИ Ермолаев, МЮ Ермолаев, МО Рязанцева, ..., Некоторые вопросы идентификации крупномасштабных типов солнечного ветра и их роли в физике магнитосферы. 3. Использование опубликованных некорректных данных, Космические исследования DOI: 10.31857/S0023420620050076 58 (5), 377-395, 2020)
- L Rakhmanova, M Riazantseva, G Zastenker, Y Yermolaev, I Lodkina, Dynamics of Plasma Turbulence at Earth’s Bow Shock and through the Magnetosheath, The Astrophysical Journal 901 (30) https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/abae00, 2020
- YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, MY Yermolaev, MO Riazantseva, ..., Some Problems of Identifying Types of Large-Scale Solar Wind and Their Role in the Physics of the Magnetosphere. 4. The “Lost Driver”, Cosmic Research, DOI 10.1134/S0010952520060052 58 (6), 492–500, 2020 (Original Russian Text: ЮИ Ермолаев, ИГ Лодкина, МЮ Ермолаев, МО Рязанцева, ..., Некоторые вопросы идентификации крупномасштабных типов солнечного ветра и их роли в физике магнитосферы. 4.“Потерянный драйвер”, Космические исследования 59 (1), 35-43, 2021)
- NL Borodkova, OV Sapunova, VG Eselevich, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Comparison of Magnetic and Plasma Overshoots of Interplanetary Shocks, Cosmic Research 58 (6), 450–459, 2020 (Original Russian Text: НЛ Бородкова, ОВ Сапунова, ВГ Еселевич, ГН Застенкер, ..., Cравнение магнитных и плазменных овершутов межпланетных ударных волн, Космические Исследования, DOI: 10.31857/S0023420620060011 58 (6), 485–494, 2020)
- MO Riazantseva, LS Rakhmanova, YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, ..., Characteristics of Turbulent Solar Wind Flow in Plasma Compression Regions, Cosmic Research 58 (6), 468–477, 2020 (Original Russian Text: МО Рязанцева, ЛС Рахманова, ЮИ Ермолаев, ИГ Лодкина, ..., Характеристики турбулентного потока солнечного ветра в областях компрессии плазмы, Космические Исследования, DOI: 10.31857/S0023420620060096 58 (6), 503-512, 2020)
- LS Rakhmanova, MO Riazantseva, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, ..., Dependence of the Properties of a Turbulent Cascade behind the Bow Shock on the Dynamics of the Solar Wind Parameters, Cosmic Research 58 (6), 478–486, 2020 (Original Russian Text: ЛС Рахманова, МО Рязанцева, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, ..., Зависимость свойств турбулентного каскада за околоземной ударной волной от динамики параметров солнечного ветра, Космические Исследования, DOI: 10.31857/S0023420620060084 58 (6), 513-521, 2020)
- LA Dremukhina, YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, Differences in the Dynamics of the Asymmetrical Part of the Magnetic Disturbance during the Periods of Magnetic Storms Induced by Different Interplanetary Sources, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 60 (6), 714–726, 2020 (Original Russian Text: ЛА Дремухина, ЮИ Ермолаев, ИГ Лодкина, Различия в динамике асимметричной части магнитного возмущения в периоды магнитных бурь, индуцированных разными межпланетными источниками, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, DOI: 10.31857/S0016794020060036 60 (6), 727-739, 2020)
- OV Sapunova, NL Borodkova, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Behavior of He++ Ions at the Front of an Interplanetary Shock, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 60 (6), 708-713, 2020 (Original Russian Text: Поведение ионов Нe++ на фронте межпланетной ударной волны, ОВ Сапунова, НЛ Бородкова, ГН Застенкер, ЮИ Ермолаев, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, DOI: 10.31857/S0016794020060127 60 (6), 720-726, 2020)
- Yuri I. Yermolaev, Irina G. Lodkina, Lidia A. Dremukhina, Michael Y. Yermolaev, Alexander A. Khokhlachev, What Solar–Terrestrial Link Researchers Should Know about Interplanetary Drivers, Universe 7, 5, 138, 2021 https://doi.org/10.3390/universe7050138
- Yu. I. Yermolaev, I. G. Lodkina, Comment on “A Statistical Study of the Plasma and Composition Distribution inside Magnetic Clouds: 1998–2011” by J. Huang et al., Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2021, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 416–417 DOI: 10.1134/S001679322103018X
- Yuri I. Yermolaev, Irina G. Lodkina, Alexander A. Khokhlachev, Michael Yu. Yermolaev, Maria O. Riazantseva, Liudmila S. Rakhmanova, Natalia L. Borodkova, Olga V. Sapunova, Anastasiia V. Moskaleva, Drop of solar wind at the end of the 20th century, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JA029618, 2021
- LS Rakhmanova, MO Riazantseva, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Development of a Turbulent Cascade behind the Bow Shock under Quiet Conditions in the Solar Wind, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 61 (5), https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016793221050108, 2021 (Original Russian Text: Рахманова Л.С., Рязанцева М.О., Застенкер Г.Н., Ермолаев Ю.И. Развитие турбулентного каскада за околоземной ударной волной при спокойных условиях в солнечном ветре. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия, 2021, 61 (5), 592-598, https://doi.org/10.31857/S0016794021050114)
- NL Borodkova, OV Sapunova, VG Eselevich, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Analysis of the Behavior of the Solar Wind Ion Flux in the Region of the Interplanetary Shock Overshoot, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 61 (5), 666–677, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016793221050042, 2021 (Original Russian Text: Бородкова Н.Л., Сапунова О.В., Еселевич В.Г., Застенкер Г.Н., Ермолаев Ю.И. Анализ поведения потока ионов солнечного ветра в области овершута межпланетной ударной волны. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия, 2021, 61 (5), 560-571, https://doi.org/10.31857/S0016794021050047)
- Rakhmanova L., Riazantseva M., Zastenker G. Plasma and Magnetic Field Turbulence in the Earth’s Magnetosheath at Ion Scales. Front. Astron. Space Sci., https://doi.org/10.3389/fspas.2020.616635, 2021
- AA Khokhlachev, MO Riazantseva, LS Rakhmanova, YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, Variations of Protons and Doubly Ionized Helium Ions in the Solar Wind, Cosmic Research 59 (6), 415-426, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952521060022, 2021 (Original Russian Text:Хохлачев А.А., Рязанцева М.О., Рахманова Л.С., Ермолаев Ю.И., Лодкина И.Г. Вариации протонов и дважды ионизированных ионов гелия в солнечном ветре. Космические Исследования, 2021, 59 (6), 443-453, https://doi.org/10.31857/S0023420621060029)
- AV Moskaleva, MO Riazantseva, YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, Variations of flow direction in solar wind streams of different types, Solar-Terrestrial Physics 7 (4), 10–17, (https://doi.org/10.12737/stp-74202102), 2021 (Original Russian Text: 5. Москалева А.В., Рязанцева М.О., Ермолаев Ю.И., Лодкина И.Г. Вариации направления потока в различных типах течения солнечного ветра. Солнечно-земная физика, 2021, 7 (4), https://doi.org/10.12737/szf-74202102)
- Yermolaev Yu.I., Lodkina I.G., Khokhlachev A.A., Yermolaev M.Yu. Decrease in Solar Wind Parameters after a Minimum of 22-23 Solar Cycles, Proceedings of the Тhirteenth Workshop “Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere” September, 2021, p. 117-121, Doi: 10.31401/WS.2021.proc
- Khokhlachev, A.A., Yermolaev, Y.I., Lodkina, I.G. et al. Helium Abundance Variations in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections. Cosmic Res 60, 67–72 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952522020046 (Original Russian Text: АА Хохлачев, ЮИ Ермолаев, ИГ Лодкина, МО Рязанцева, ... Вариации содержания гелия в межпланетных выбросах корональной массы (ICME), Космические исследования, 60 (2), 93-98, 2022, DOI: 10.31857/S0023420622020042)
- Yermolaev, Y.I.; Lodkina, I.G.; Khokhlachev, A.A.; Yermolaev, M.Y.; Riazantseva, M.O.; Rakhmanova, L.S.; Borodkova, N.L.; Sapunova, O.V.; Moskaleva, A.V. Dynamics of Large-Scale Solar-Wind Streams Obtained by the Double Superposed Epoch Analysis: 5. Influence of the Solar Activity Decrease. Universe 2022, 8, 472. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8090472
- Yermolaev, Y.I.; Lodkina, I.G.; Khokhlachev, A.A.; Yermolaev, M.Y. Peculiarities of the Heliospheric State and the Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling in the Era of Weakened Solar Activity. Universe 2022, 8, 495. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8100495
- Rakhmanova, L.S.; Riazantseva, M.O.; Zastenker, G.N.; Yermolaev, Y.I. Large-Scale Solar Wind Phenomena Affecting the Turbulent Cascade Evolution behind the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock. Universe 2022, 8, 611. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8120611
- Khokhlachev, A.A.; Yermolaev, Y.I.; Lodkina, I.G.; Riazantseva, M.O.; Rakhmanova, L.S. Helium Abundance Decrease in ICMEs in 23–24 Solar Cycles. Universe 2022, 8, 557. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8110557
- Sapunova, O.V.; Borodkova, N.L.; Zastenker, G.N.; Yermolaev, Y.I. Dynamics of He++ Ions at Interplanetary and Earth’s Bow Shocks. Universe 2022, 8, 516. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8100516
- Khokhlachev, A.A., Riazantseva, M.O., Yermolaev, Y.I. et al. Medium-Scale Variations of Helium Abundance inside Coronal Mass Ejections. Cosmic Res 60, 452–460 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952522060053
- Sapunova, O.V., Borodkova, N.L., Zastenker, G.N. et al. Variations of He++ Ion Parameters at Interplanetary and Earth’s Bow Shock Fronts. Geomagn. Aeron. 62, 505–513 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016793222050103
- Бородкова Н.Л., Сапунова О.В., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н. Анализ динамики Цугов колебаний магнитного поля и потока ионов солнечного ветра перед рампом межпланетной ударной волны. Космические исследования, 2024, Т. 62, №6, СС 603-615 (РНФ № 22-12-00227)
- Volodin, I.D., Riazantseva,M.O., Rakhmanova, L.S., Khokhlachev, A.A., Yermolaev, Y.I. The Changes in Multiscale Solar Wind Fluctuations on the Path from the Sun to Earth. Universe. 2024, 10, 186. Universe10040186 (РНФ 22-12-00227)
- Лодкина И. Г., Ермолаев Ю. И., Хохлачев А.А. Каталоги типов солнечного ветра и их роль в солнечно-земной физике, Космические Исследования, 2025, Т. 63, №2 (принята в печать) (РНФ № 22-12-00227)
- Rakhmanova L, Khokhlachev A, Riazantseva M, Yermolaev Y and Zastenker G (РНФ 22-72-00105) Modification of the turbulence properties at the bow shock: statistical results. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 2024. V.11:1379664.(РНФ 22-72-00105)
- Rakhmanova, L.; Khokhlachev, A.; Riazantseva, M.; Yermolaev, Y.; Zastenker, G.
- Рахманова Л.С., Хохлачев А.А., Рязанцева М.О., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н., Pазвитие турбулентности за околоземной ударной волной в периоды спокойного и возмущенного солнечного ветра, Солнечно-земная физика. 2024,Т. 10 № 2, doi: 10.12737/2712-9640-2024-10-2 (РНФ 22-72-00105)
- Рахманова Л.С., Рязанцева М.О., Хохлачев А.А., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н., Роль среднемасштабных структур солнечного ветра в развитии турбулентности за головной ударной волной, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, 2024. Т. 64, № 6, CC. 814-823. (РНФ 22-12-00227)
- Riazantseva, M.O.; Treves, T.V.; Khabarova, O.; Rakhmanova, L.S.; Yermolaev, Y.I.; Khokhlachev,A.A. (РНФ 22-12-00227) Linking Turbulent Interplanetary Magnetic Field Fluctuations and Current Sheets. Universe. 2024, 10, 417. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10110417 (РНФ 22-12-00227)
- Сапунова О.В., Бородкова Н.Л., Застенкер Г.Н, (РНФ № 22-12-00227)Анализ спектров флуктуаций величины потока плазмы и модуля магнитного поля на обратных ударных волнах, Солнечно-земная физика. 2024. Т. 10. № 3, СС. 62-69, https://doi.org/10.12737/szf-103202407 (РНФ № 22-12-00227)
- Сапунова О.В., Бородкова Н.Л., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н., (РНФ № 22-12-00227)«Спектры флуктуаций параметров плазмы солнечного ветра вблизи фронта ударной волны», Космические исследования, Том 62, №1, 2024, СС.3-12 , https://doi.org//10.1134/S0010952523700843 (РНФ № 22-12-00227)
List of selected presentations and posters
- Ермолаев Ю.И., И.Г. Лодкина,М.Ю. Ермолаев, Бородкова Н.Л. Изменения направления вектора скорости в разных типах солнечного ветра, Физика плазмы в солнечной системе, 12 - 16 февраля 2018г., ИКИ РАН, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14343.70563
- Yermolaev Yuri I., Irina G. Lodkina, Solar wind parameters in 24-th solar cycle, EGU General Assembly 2018, 8–13 April, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15070.33601
- Dremukhina L.A., Yermolaev Yu.I., Lodkina I.G, Development of magnetic storms induced by different types of solar wind streams, Tenth Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, Primorsko, Bulgaria, 4 - 8 June 2018, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29227.34089
- Lodkina I. G., Yu. I. Yermolaev, A. A. Khokhlachev, Variations of solar wind parameters during 21-24 solar cycles, Tenth Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, Primorsko, Bulgaria, 4 - 8 June 2018,, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21975.78241
- Yermolaev Yuri I, Irina G. Lodkina, Michael Yu. Yermolaev, Natalia L. Borodkova, Maria O. Riazantseva, Temporal profiles of parameters in different large-scale types of solar wind, 15th Solar Wind Conference, 18 - 22 June, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33710.00327
- Dremukhina L.A., Yu. I. Yermolaev, I. G. Lodkina, Correlation relations between parameters of the Solar wind of different types and geomagnetic activity indices for the period 1995-2016 (Original title: Исследование корреляционных связей между параметрами солнечного ветра разных типов и индексами геомагнитной активности по данным за 1995-2016 гг), Physics of Auroral Phenomema, Polar Geophysical Institute, Appatit, Russia, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30905.06247
- Riazantseva M.O., L.S. Rakhmanova, G.N. Zastenker, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, The features of plasma turbulence associated with solar transients, ISEST 2018 Workshop "International Study of Earth-affecting Solar Transients"At: Hvar, Croatia, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13713.48487
- Yermolaev Y.I., IG Lodkina, MY Yermolaev, EE Grigorenko, NL Borodkova, M. O. Riazantseva, L. S. Rakhmanova, Helium abundance profiles in the large-scale solar-wind phenomena, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, 10-14 Dec 2018, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14610.91842
- Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Michael Yermolaev, Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Natalia Borodkova, Elena Grigorenko, Igor Veselovsky, Yulia Shugay, Vladimir Slemzin, Denis Rodkin, Do the current sheets in the magnetic clouds contain elevated helium abundance? https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/EGU2019-5208.pdf, EGU General Assembly 2019
- Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Gerogy Zastenker, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Jana Safrankova, Zdenek Nemecek, Lubomir Prech, The turbulent properties of solar wind streams associated with magnetic clouds, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12933, 2019
- Y Yermolaev, I Lodkina, M Yermolaev, N Borodkova, M Riazantseva, ..., Contribution of Helium Ions in Electric Current of Magnetic Cloud, AOGS 16th Annual Meeting 28 Jul to 2 Aug, 2019 Singapore
- Y Yermolaev, I Lodkina, M Yermolaev, N Borodkova, M Riazantseva, ..., Magnetospheric Responses to Interplanetary Phenomena, AOGS 16th Annual Meeting 28 Jul to 2 Aug, 2019 Singapore
- Yu. I. Yermolaev, I. G. Lodkina, L. A. Dremukhina, M. Yu. Yermolaev, Specific role of sheaths in generation of magnetic storms, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18850.99529, Eleventh Workshop "Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere" Primorsko, Bulgaria, 3 - 7 June 2019
- Yu. I. Yermolaev, I. G. Lodkina, M. Yu. Yermolaev, N. L. Borodkova, M. O. Riazantseva, Properties of interplanetary drivers of magnetospheric disturbances, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11361.35682, VarSITI Closing Symposium, June 10÷14, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Yuri I Yermolaev, Elena E Grigorenko, Irina G Lodkina, Mikhail Yu Yermolaev, Natalia L Borodkova, Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Evaluation of the thickness of the helium current in the magnetic clouds, AGU Fall Meeting abstracts SH33B-3379, 2019
- Liudmila Rakhmanova, Maria Riazantseva, Georgy Zastenker, Yuri Yermolaev, Kinetic-scale plasma turbulence evolving in the magnetosheath: case study, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 509, 2020
- Alexander Khokhlachev, Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Georgy Zastenker, Small-scale variations of helium abundance in different large-scale solar wind structures, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9348,2020
- Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Georgy Zastenker, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Jana Safrankova, Zdenek Nemecek, Lubomir Prech, Characteristics of turbulence in transition regions near large-scale boundaries in the solar wind, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts,7605,2020
- Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Lidia Dremukhina, Michael Yermolaev, Alexander Khokhlachev, A critical look at studying the interplanetary drivers of the magnetospheric disturbances, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4064, 2020
- YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, AA Khokhlachev, Analysis of the behavior of parameters for various types of solar wind in 21-24 solar cycles (Анализ поведения параметров для различных типов солнечного ветра в 21-24 солнечных циклах), Fifteenth Annual Conference "Plasma Physics in the Solar System", Moscow, IKI RAS, 10-14.02.2020 https://plasma2020.cosmos.ru/, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17241.26724
- Liudmila Rakhmanova, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Georgy Zastenker, Maria Riazantseva, Evolution of the magnetosheath turbulence around ion scales affected by upstream solar wind parameters, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, v.43, p.1131, 2021
- Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Georgy Zastenker, Jana Safrankova, Zdenek Nemecek, Lubomir Prech, Ion-scale break of the plasma fluctuation spectra in different large-scale solar wind streams, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-13569, 2021
- Alexander Khokhlachev, Maria Riazantseva, Liudmila Rakhmanova, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Dynamics of helium abundance in magnetic clouds, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-11947, 2021
- Natalia Borodkova, Olga Sapunova, Victor Eselevich, Georgy Zastenker, Yuri Yermolaev, Comparison of Plasma and Magnetic Overshoots of Interplanetary Shocks, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-10163, 2021
- Olga Sapunova, Natalia Borodkova, Yuri Yermolaev, Georgii Zastenker, He++ behavior on the an interplanetary shock wave, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-6073, 2021
- Anastasiia Moskaleva, Maria Riazantseva, Yuri Yermolaev, Irina Lodkina, Statistical analysis of flow direction and its variations in different types of solar wind streams, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-13829, 2021
- Liudmila Rakhmanova, Maria Riazantseva, Georgy Zastenker, Yuri Yermolaev, Solar wind and bow shock parameters affecting turbulence development inside the magnetosheath, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-12053, 2021
- Yuri I. Yermolaev, Irina G. Lodkina, Lidia A. Dremukhina, Mikhail Yu. Yermolaev, Natalia L. Borodkova, Maria O. Riazantseva, Ludmila S. Rakhmanova, Alexander A. Khokhlachev, What we learned about the Solar Wind - Magnetosphere interaction from the analysis of various interplanetary drivers, Solar wind–Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop, 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30581.09442
- Yuri I. Yermolaev, Irina G. Lodkina, Alexander A. Khokhlachev, Mikhail Yu. Yermolaev, Decrease in solar wind parameters after a minimum of 22-23 solar cycles, 13th Workshop "Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere", Primorsko, Bulgaria, from 13 to 17 September 2021, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354656755_Decrease_in_solar_wind_parameters_after_a_minimum_of_22-23_solar_cycles
- Yuri I. Yermolaev, Irina G Lodkina, Alexander A Khokhlache, Mikhail Yu. Yermolaev, THE FALL OF THE SOLAR WIND PARAMETERS BELOW THE "FLOOR" IN MINIMUM OF 22/23 CYCLES, XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium "The Sun and Heliosphere", 20 - 24 September, 2021 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354829575_THE_FALL_OF_THE_SOLAR_WIND_PARAMETERS_BELOW_THE_FLOOR_IN_MINIMUM_OF_2223_CYCLES
- Borodkova, N., Sapunova, O., Eselevich, V., Zastenker, G., and Yermolaev, Y.: Overshoot dependence on the shock parameters, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3546, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3546, 2022
- Sapunova, O., Borodkova, N., Yermolaev, Y., and Zastenker, G.: Fluctuations of the solar wind ion flux near the Earth bow shock, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5222, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphereegu22-5222, 2022.
- Khokhlachev, A., Yermolaev, Y., Riazantseva, M., Rakhmanova, L., and Lodkina, I.: Dynamics of helium abundance inside and around ICME, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11326, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11326, 2022.
- Riazantseva, Maria; Rakhmanova, Liudmila; Yermolaev, Yuri; Khokhlachev, Alexander; Lodkina, Irina; Zastenker, Georgy, The role of plasma structures boundaries in the formation of turbulent cascade in the solar wind. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at https://www.cosparathens2022.org/. Abstract D1.2-0021-22.
- Borodkova, Natalia; Eselevich, Victor; Sapunova, Olga; Yermolaev, Yuri; Zastenker, Georgy, Fine structure of the interplanetary shock from the solar wind plasma measurements with high-time resolution, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at https://www.cosparathens2022.org/. Abstract D1.2-0053-22.
- Khokhlachev, Alexander; Riazantseva, Maria; Yermolaev, Yuri; Rakhmanova, Liudmila; Lodkina, Irina, Multi-scale plasma structures with helium abundance in the ICME. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at https://www.cosparathens2022.org/. Abstract D1.2-0066-22.
- Yermolaev, Yuri; Lodkina, Irina; Khokhlachev, Alexsandre; Yermolaev, Michael; Borodkova, Natalia; Riazantseva, Maria; Rakhmanova, Liudmila,The manifestation of the current grand minimum of solar activity in a decrease in the parameters of the solar wind and space weather, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at https://www.cosparathens2022.org/. Abstract D2.6-0008-22.
- Бородкова Н.Л., Сапунова О.В., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н.: Анализ динамики цугов колебаний магнитного поля и потока ионов солнечного ветра перед рампом межпланетной ударной волны. Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 129. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Лодкина И.Г., Ермолаев Ю.И., Рязанцева М.О., Ермолаев М.Ю., Хохлачев А.А.: Статистика крупномасштабных явлений в 4м году 25 солнечного цикла. XIX ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, стендовый доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 147.
- Рахманова Л.С., Рязанцева М.О., Хохлачев А.А., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н.: Влияние среднемасштабных плазменных структур на изменение турбулентного каскада за головной ударной волной. Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 132. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Рахманова Л.С., Хохлачев А.А., Рязанцева М.О., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н., Изменение свойств турбулентного каскада на околоземной ударной волне: статистические результаты, Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 133. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Рязанцева М.О., Рахманова Л.С., Володин И.Д., Хохлачев А.А., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н.: Динамика турбулентных флуктуаций на пути от Солнца к Земле. Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 128. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Сапунова О.В., Бородкова Н.Л., Ермолаев Ю.И., Застенкер Г.Н.: Анализ спектров флуктуаций величины потока плазмы и модуля магнитного поля на обратных ударных волнах. Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 130. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Тревес Т.В., Рязанцева М.О., Хабарова О.В.: Сравнение характеристик спектров турбулентных флуктуаций межпланетного магнитного поля с количеством токовых слоев. Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 131. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Хохлачев А.А., Ермолаев Ю.И., Лодкина И.Г., Рязанцева М.О., Рахманова Л.С.: Вариации содержания гелия в разных типах течений солнечного ветра. Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 123. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Ковражкин Р.А., Ермолаев Ю.И., Глазунов А.Л., Владимирова Г.А., Провалы потоков протонов в плазменном слое и диффузной авроральной зоне Девятнадцатая ежегодная конференция «Физика плазмы в солнечной системе», Москва, Россия, 05.02.2024-09.02.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 159. https://plasma2024.cosmos.ru/docs/2024/plasma2024-abstract_book_v5.pdf
- Rakhmanova L., Riazantseva M., Khokhlachev A., Yermolaev Yu., Zastenker G.: Turbulence development in the magnetosheath and its role in the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling. 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2024), 13.07.2024-21.07.2024, Пусан, Южная Корея, устный доклад. Абстракт D3.2-0008-24. https://www.cospar-assembly.org/uploads/documents/Finalprogram-2024.pdf
- Riazantseva M., Rakhmanova L.,Volodin I., Khokhlachev A., Zastenker G., Yermolaev Yu., Lodkina I.: Dynamics of turbulent properties in large-scale solar wind structures on the path from the Sun to Earth. 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2024), 13.07.2024-21.07.2024, Пусан, Южная Корея, устный доклад. Абстракт D1.3-0010-24. https://www.cospar-assembly.org/uploads/documents/Finalprogram-2024.pdf
- Treves T., Riazantseva M., Khabarova O.: Relation between properties of spectra of the interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations and the current sheets occurrence rate. 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2024), 13.07.2024-21.07.2024, Пусан, Южная Корея, устный доклад. Абстракт D1.3-0018-24. https://www.cospar-assembly.org/uploads/documents/Finalprogram-2024.pdf
- Khokhlachev A., Yermolaev Yu., Lodkina I., Riazantseva R., Rakhmanova L.: In situ verification of the helium-enriched current presence inside ICME.
45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2024), 13.07.2024-21.07.2024, Пусан, Южная Корея, устный доклад. Абстракт D1.3-0033-24. https://www.cospar-assembly.org/uploads/documents/Finalprogram-2024.pdf
- Хохлачев А.А., Ермолаев Ю.И., Лодкина И.Г., Рязанцева М.О., Рахманова Л.С.: Особенности внутренней структуры ICME. Солнечная и Солнечно-Земная Физика 2024, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 07.10.2024-11.10.2024, устный доклад. Сборник тезисов, с. 99. http://www.gaoran.ru/russian/solphys/2024/gao2024.pdf
List of Submitted Papers
- YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, A Khokhlachev, MY Yermolaev, NL Borodkova, ..., Variations of interplanetary parameters in different types of large-scale solar-wind phenomena during 21-24 solar cycles, essoar 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10504870.1
- OV Sapunova, NL Borodkova, GN Zastenker, YI Yermolaev, Dynamics of He++ ions at interplanetary shocks, Annales Geophysicae Discussions, 1-9, 2020 https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-2020-72
- YI Yermolaev, IG Lodkina, Comment on" Solar Wind and Heavy Ion Properties of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections" by MJ Owens, arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2008.05160 2020
- Yu. I. Yermolaev and M. Yu. Yermolaev, Comment on "Sizes and relative geoeffectiveness of interplanetary coronal mass ejections and the preceding shock sheaths during intense storms in 1996-2005" by J. Zhang et al. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02109, doi:10.1029/2007GL032045
- Yermolaev, Yu. I.; Yermolaev, M. Yu.; Lodkina, I. G., Comment on "A statistical comparison of solar wind sources of moderate and intense geomagnetic storms at solar minimum and maximum" by Zhang, J.-C., M. W. Liemohn, J. U. Kozyra, M. F. Thomsen, H. A. Elliott, and J. M. Weygand, JGR, 2006, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0603251
- Yermolaev Yu.I., M.Yu. Yermolaev, Magnetic Storm Dependence on Solar and Interplanetary Events, J. of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2007
- Yu.I. Yermolaev, M.Yu. Yermolaev, N.S. Nikolaeva and I.G. Lodkina, Interplanetary conditions for CIR-induced and MC-induced geomagnetic storms, COSPAR 06, JASR
- Yermolaev Yu. I., G. N. Zastenker, N. S. Nikolaeva, J.-A. Sauvaud, Magnetospheric response to magnetic clouds: multi-satellite observations during 1995-1998, submitted to Ann. Geophysicae 2000, NOT ACCEPTED
- Yermolaev Yu. I. Comment on "Source regions and storm effectiveness of frontside full halo coronal mass ejections" by X. P. Zhao and D. F. Webb, submitted to J. Geophys. Res., 2003 , NOT ACCEPTED
- Yermolaev Yu. I., M. Yu. Yermolaev, G. N. Zastenker, J.-A. Sauvaud, Geomagnetic storm dependences on solar and interplanetary events: Statistic study for two solar cycles (1976-2000), submitted to JASTP, 2003