High Resolution Rover Images by Tim Parker
New Color Anaglyph of Yogi by Tim Parker
Fantastic 3-D Color Anaglyphs by Tim Parker
The Pathfinder site is being restructured to improve the presentation. At the end of the archival period in August, the entire directory system forming the Pathfinder site will be placed onto CD-ROM. The CD-ROM will be accessible with any standard Internet browser.
All the Pathfinder stereo 3-D images have been organized chronologically into 2 new sections-the Anaglyph 3-D Stereo Archives and the Stereo Pairs Archives. Over the next few weeks we will be reorganizing the site and adding additional archival data.
Additional Science Articles
are Now On-line
The Pathfinder site is being restructured to the increase the efficiency of down loading images over modems and to facilitate the rapid location of information. Additional information will be added to the site during this archival period.
New Super Res Images by Timothy Parker, JPL
JPL and the U.S. Postal Service celebrated NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission in a ceremony during which the new $3 Priority Mail stamp depicting Pathfinder on the surface of Mars was unveiled.
Bird's Eye View of Landing Site: Now updated to Sol 83 - Seven computer generated image maps of the landing site showing the path of the rover, location of the rocks, rover pictures taken, APXS measurements, soil mechanics experiments, end of date IMP images, rover movies, and wheel abrasion experiments.
Although the extended mission is now over, we are still processing and releasing images from the super pan. The color segments from the November 4 press conference show the surrounding Martian terrain in unprecedented detail.
Due to the communication problems, we have not been receiving new data from Pathfinder. However, there is still a substantial amount of previously acquired data that is being processed and will be released at upcoming press conferences. The dates of upcoming press conferences will be prominently posted 3-4 days in advance.
The primary Pathfinder mission ended on August 3, 1997. Data is released when it is deemed ready for release by the principal investigator responsible for the operation of the scientific instrument that acquired the data.
Please be advised that only pages linked from the Extended Mission area are being updated regularly. All other pages stopped being updated at the end of the primary mission. If there is information you would like to see added to the Pathfinder site, please send your request to: Kirk Goodall (kirk.goodall@jpl.nasa.gov).
The subject of your mail message should read: MPF REQUEST: <your request>
Thank you for your continued interest in the Pathfinder mission.
Kirk Goodall
Mars Web Engineer