September 1, 1999Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO)
Mars Climate Orbiter continued standard cruise operations during the past week. The flight team conducted the Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) and Aerobraking Critical Events Reviews on Monday and Tuesday of this week (August 30-31), scrutinizing its plans, procedures, and testing needed for these activities. Next week the team will conduct the final science instrument checkouts prior to Mars arrival, then begin its preparations for the fourth and final course correction, TCM-4.
Mars Polar Lander (MPL)
This morning the MPL spacecraft executed its Site Adjustment Maneuver successfully, retargeting the landing site to an area centered at 76 deg S Latitude, 195 deg W Longitude in the south polar region. This target site was approved by NASA on August 24th. The spacecraft conducted a 30 second burn using its four 5 lb thrust maneuvering engines, achieving a 2.3 meter/second velocity adjustment. Spacecraft peformance was nominal in all respects. With this maneuver the predicted time of landing moves approximately 1 hr earlier, to 12:00:26 (PST) on Dec. 3, 1999.
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