June 3, 1999Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO)
The MCO spacecraft passed another quiet week in space. On the ground, the flight team continues its preparations for the "All-Stellar" mode in-flight demonstration, scheduled for June 10/11. The team is now developing the remaining command products needed for the demonstration, which will be transmitted to the spacecraft on Thursday, June 10.
Mars Polar Lander (MPL)
Testing and checkout of command products for the early surface mission end-to-end test began earlier this week in the MPL simulator, in preparation for the execution of this test the following week. Also in work is an MCO test sequence which will manage the orbiter's initial UHF radio contacts with the lander. This test will be the first in which proto-flight command sequences will be emulating MCO-MPL UHF radio contacts via simultaneous operation of both the MCO and MPL simulators.
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