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November 23, 1998

John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project Manager

Mars Climate Orbiter: Launch -17 Days

The Delta 3rd stage (STAR 48) motor was delivered to the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility (SAEF-2) and uncanned in preparation for mate with the orbiter. Final walkdowns by cognizant engineers and consulting mechanical experts were completed. The mechanisms leads (Pollard and Head) and an consulting expert (Locatell) spent 8 very disciplined hours examining every separation and deployment on the orbiter.

Mars Polar Lander: Launch - 41 Days

Proper connectors were located and final mate of the parachute/mortar was accomplished. Attitude and Control System (ACS) phasing testing was completed. Thermal Protection System (TPS) closeout is proceeding as scheduled.

The Bonum spacecraft was launched on a Delta at 7:00 pm - this clears launch pad 17B for the lander - no other Delta launches occur before the Mars Climate Orbiter on December 10.

Time Lapse Movie

Mars Surveyor 98 Spacecraft At Kennedy Space Center
November 23, 1998

Mars Climate Orbiter
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Mars Polar Lander
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