October 30, 1998John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project ManagerOrbiter launch processing activities are proceeding on schedule in the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility (SAEF-2) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) with launch 41 days away. However, several days of schedule margin were consumed due to a problem with flight software build 8.1 which prevented the "B" side of the spacecraft from booting during testing. The cause of the problem was determined and the fix will be incorporated into build 8.2 scheduled for delivery on November 2. Software build 8.0.1 was used to continue electrical testing of the orbiter while waiting for 8.2. The down time caused by this software issue was used to accomplish mechanical closeout tasks required to configure the orbiter properly for launch and to troubleshoot various anomalies which occurred in previous testing.
The reworked flight Pyro Initiation Unit was reinstalled on the orbiter and all functions and interfaces will retested and reverified next week. This completes the glass body diode rework effort for both the orbiter and lander vehicles.
Lander launch processing activities are proceeding on schedule in the SAEF-2 facility at KSC with launch 65 days away. This was a major week of testing activity on the lander with the following tests completed very successfully: rocket engine module functional test; entry, descent, and landing "plugs out" test; mission profile tests on side "A" and side "B" of the lander using new flight software build 8.0; and attitude control subsystem phasing verification test. In addition, the backshell and harness assembly and cruise stage were installed on the lander vehicle.
Time Lapse Movie
Mars Surveyor 98 Spacecraft At Kennedy Space Center
October 30, 1998
Mars Climate Orbiter
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Mars Polar Lander
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