October 10, 1998John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project ManagerThe 1998 Mars Surveyor orbiter is 2 months from launch and the lander is 2 months plus 24 days from launch.
The orbiter spacecraft has been fully assembled, checked out functionally, and has successfully completed the environmental test program. The full science payload is integrated and ready for flight. The orbiter arrived at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) via C-17 aircraft on September 11 and moved to the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility (SAEF-2) as planned. Prior to shipment, the Power Distribution and Drive Unit (PDDU) was removed and inspected for cracked glass body diodes and excessive conformal coating. The PDDU was reworked successfully (12 cracked diodes replaced), remated with the orbiter at KSC, and the interface has been reverified. Loading of hydrazine fuel and Nitrogen Textroxide (NTO) oxidizer to the spacecraft is complete. Deep Space Network (DSN) end-to-end to the spacecraft is complete. Deep Space Network (DSN) end-to-end compatibility testing using MIL-71 was accomplished successfully. Remaining activities primarily involve conducting mission system tests on the vehicle.
The lander spacecraft has been fully assembled, checked out functionally, and has successfully completed the environmental test program. The full science payload is integrated and ready for flight. The lander pre-ship review was conducted successfully on September 15. Subsequently, the decision was made to inspect/rework the lander PDDU and Command and Data Handling (C&DH) box for cracked glass body diodes and excessive conformal coating. The PDDU and C&DH boxes were removed from the lander and the lander was shipped to KSC early on October 1 to take advantage of the electrical down time on the vehicle. The PDDU and C&DH were reworked (2 and 4 cracked diodes discovered, respectively), retested successfully, and reinstalled on the lander spacecraft on October 10. System level reverification activities are in process.
Time Lapse Movie
Mars Climate Orbiter Spacecraft At Kennedy Space Center
October 10, 1998
Mars Climate Orbiter (top) & Mars Polar Lander (bottom)MPEG Movie - 1.2 MB Need help in running animations? Look here for information on how to setup your browser for animations.
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