August 21, 1998John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project ManagerOrbiter integration and test activities continue to proceed on schedule. The Pressure Modulator InfraRed Radiometer (PMIRR) instrument continues to operate nominally on the orbiter and has accumulated in excess of 120 operating hours since re-integration. The solar array passive restraint test was conducted very successfully on August 15. This test verifies the insertion and removal of the solar array from a restraint as required each orbit during the aerobrake phase of the orbiter mission. Mission System Testing of the aerobrake phase was conducted successfully on August 19. Mapping phase testing is scheduled for August 22 and a repeat of launch/initialization with fault cases included is scheduled for August 25. The flight batteries were installed on August 21. The orbiter is on schedule for shipment to Kennedy Space Center on September 10. 1900 powered on operating hours have been accumulated on the orbiter as of August 15.
The lander is being assembled into the cruise configuration and is on schedule to begin cruise thermal vacuum testing on September 2. All flight instruments are stowed and are ready for flight. The lander pre-ship review is planned for September 15. Shipment to Kennedy Space Center is planned for October 12. 1325 powered on operating hours have been accumulated on the lander as of August 15.
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