July 24, 1998John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project ManagerOrbiter integration and test activities are proceeding on schedule. The Pressure Modulator InfraRed Radiometer (PMIRR) optical chopper assembly has been rebuilt and delivered to JPL for thermal cycle testing. Reinstallation of the chopper on PMIRR is scheduled for July 30; this will be followed by a Mission System Test of the mapping phase. The orbiter pre-ship review is scheduled for August 14.
All software builds for the orbiter for all mission phases are now complete with the delivery of build 6.5 (aerobraking phase) to integration and test on July 24.
The lander spacecraft has been thoroughly checked and it has been determined that no damage to the vehicle occurred due to the latest incident involving the application of power to the T0 data line. Immediate and extensive actions have been implemented by the Project to reduce the probability that similar incidents will occur in the future.
The lander was powered up on July 21 and system level Electromagnetic Compatibility testing was conducted successfully; the first such test involving the Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) flight instrument. The first lander Mission System Test of landed surface operations was run on the vehicle very successfully. All sequences required for thermal balance testing were run successfully on the vehicle in preparation for the start of landed thermal balance testing on July 25.
All software builds for the lander for all mission phases are complete.
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