June 26, 1998John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project ManagerOrbiter integration and test activities are proceeding on schedule. 24 hour power on operations of the orbiter will begin next week to accumulate orbiter operating hours prior to ship. The Pressure Modulator InfraRed Radiometer (PMIRR) optical chopper troubleshooting is in process at Honeywell.
Thermal modifications to the lander to implement the passive thermal control approach are complete. Chamber pump down for the landed thermal balance test is on schedule for July 18. The Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) flight instrument is scheduled for delivery to Lockheed Martin over the 4th of July weekend and installation on the lander is scheduled for July 8. The failure of the TEGA engineering model due to an oven bellows rupture during end-to-end testing was due to a procedural error which caused an overpressurization of the calibration gas tank by a factor of 10. The flight meteorology mast was removed from the lander to replace/repair damaged wind and temperature sensors. The mast will be re-installed on the lander on July 8 prior to landed thermal balance testing.
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