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Mars at a Glance (from the JPL Press Kit)


  • One of five planets known to ancients; Mars was Roman god of war, agriculture and the state
  • Reddish color; occasionally the 3rd brightest object in night sky after the Moon and Venus

    Physical Characteristics

  • Average diameter 4,217 miles (6,780 kilometers); about half the size of Earth, but twice the size of Earth's Moon
  • Same land area as Earth
  • Mass 1/10th of Earth's; gravity only 38 percent as strong as Earth's
  • Density 3.9 times greater than water (compared to Earthís 5.5 times greater than water)
  • No planet-wide magnetic field detected; only localized ancient remnant fields in various regions Orbit
  • Fourth planet from the Sun, the next beyond Earth
  • About 1.5 times farther from the Sun than Earth is
  • Orbit elliptical; distance from Sun varies from a minimum of 128.4 million miles (206.7 million kilometers) to a maximum of 154.8 million miles (249.2 million kilometers); average distance from Sun, 141.5 million miles (227.7 million kilometers)
  • Revolves around Sun once every 687 Earth days
  • Rotation period (length of day) 24 hours, 37 min, 23 sec (1.026 Earth days)
  • Poles tilted 25 degrees, creating seasons similar to Earth's Environment
  • Atmosphere composed chiefly of carbon dioxide (95.3%), nitrogen (2.7%) and argon (1.6%)
  • Surface atmospheric pressure less than 1/100th that of Earth's average
  • Surface winds up to 80 miles per hour (40 meters per second)
  • Local, regional and global dust storms; also whirlwinds called dust devils
  • Surface temperature averages -64 F (-53 C); varies from -199 F (-128 C) during polar night to 80 F (27 C) at equator during midday at closest point in orbit to Sun Features
  • Highest point is Olympus Mons, a huge shield volcano about 16 miles (26 kilometers) high and 370 miles (600 kilometers ) across; has about the same area as Arizona
  • Canyon system of Valles Marineris is largest and deepest known in solar system; extends more than 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) and has 3 to 6 miles (5 to 10 kilometers) relief from floors to tops of sur- rounding plateaus
  • "Canals" observed by Giovanni Schiaparelli and Percival Lowell about 100 years ago were a visual illusion in which dark areas appeared connected by lines. The Mariner 9 and Viking missions of the 1970s, however, established that Mars has channels possibly cut by ancient rivers Moons
  • Two irregularly shaped moons, each only a few kilometers wide
  • Larger moon named Phobos ("fear"); smaller is Deimos ('terror"), named for attributes personified in Greek mythology as sons of the god of war