Mars Polar Lander Mars Polar Lander Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) Lidar and Mars Microphone Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA UCLA Images, Images, Images Current Mission Status & News What We Hope To Learn Our Mission Mars Exploration Comments Or Questions? To Find Your Way Around Mars Polar Lander Homepage Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS)
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Caption: Mars Polar Lander's primary landing site. The landing site at 76 degrees south latitude and 195 degrees west longitude is marked on a polar stereographic map of Mars' south pole. The bright, permanent carbon dioxide polar cap is offset slightly from the rotational pole. The polar layered deposits, a blanket of dust and ice layers which may be an interpretable record of Martian climate history, is outlined in white. Image credit: Dr. David A. Paige (UCLA).