National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology Malin Space Science Systems JPL Photograph Number P-42748 Mars Observer Camera Release Number MOC-1 Mars Observer Camera Image ID 428212370.3 Release Date August 6, 1993 Photo Caption Photograph of the planet Mars taken 8:52 PM PDT on July 26, 1993 by the high resolution, narrow-angle telescope of the Mars Observer Camera (MOC). At that time, the Mars Observer spacecraft was 5.8 million kilometers (3.6 million miles) and 28 days from its encounter with Mars. The resolution in this image is approximately 21.5 km (13.4 mi) per picture element and Mars, roughly 6800 km (4200 miles) in diameter, is about 315 picture elements across. North is to the top of the image; the south pole is near the bottom but in shadow. The sunrise line (terminator) stretches across the morning hemisphere from lower right to upper left. At this distance from Mars, only bright and dark markings resulting from variations in the amount and thickness of dust and sand are visible. Toward the bottom of the picture is a bright, roughly circular area called Hellas, an impact basin 2000 km (1250 mi) across. The dark area in the center of the frame is Syrtis Major, a region of volcanic plains and dark sand dunes. At the top of the photograph is Nilosyrtis, an area of buttes, mesas, and box canyons reminiscent of the deserts of the southwest United States. Launched in September 1992, Mars Observer will enter Mars orbit on Tuesday, August 24, at about 1:30 PM PDT. In-orbit engineering checkout of the camera is scheduled to begin September 16. The camera and six other investigations begin mapping operations from a circular orbit only 400 km (248 mi) above the surface on December 16. The Mars Observer Project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA. The Mars Observer Camera was developed by and is operated under contract to JPL by an industry/university team led by Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, CA.