Mars Polar Lander Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) Lidar and Mars Microphone Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Images, Images, Images Current Mission Status & News What We Hope To Learn Our Mission Mars Exploration Comments Or Questions? To Find Your Way Around Mars Polar Lander Mars Polar Lander

Detailed Mission Plan in Abobe PDF Files

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Detailed Mission Plan in Total
( 430 Pages - 9,514 KB)

Mission Plan by Section:

Mission Plan - Introduction
( 22 Pages - 407 KB)

Mission Plan - Lander Databook
( 138 Pages - 4,406 KB)

Mission Plan - Lander Mission Plan
( 55 Pages - 1192 KB)

Mission Plan - Orbiter DataBook
( 134 Pages - 3,516 KB)

Mission Plan - Orbiter Mission Plan
( 81 Pages - 926 KB)

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