Mars Polar Lander Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) Lidar and Mars Microphone Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Images, Images, Images Current Mission Status & News What We Hope To Learn Our Mission Mars Exploration Comments Or Questions? To Find Your Way Around Mars Polar Lander Mars Polar Lander

Mars Surveyor 98 Logos
Entries From McKee Intermediate School, California
Teacher: Terie Lynne Storar

Candice Alrdige

Esmeralda Aguirre

Lashika Britton

Johnathan Felix

Erica Gutierrez

Summer Hamilton

Gregorio Juarez

Arturo Lemos

Adrian Lopez

Rorber Ly

Christopher McDaniel

Roberto Medina

Karia Padron

Marissa Petrilli

Brandon Pettit

Melissa Ray

Rachel Turmel

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