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The following are selected clips from the Mars Surveyor '98 video animation created for the Mars Surveyor 98 project by Engineered Multimedia Inc.

Mars Surveyor '98 Delta Med-Lite Rocket waiting on the launch pad  
Approach of Mar98 Orbiter
Launch of the Mars98 Orbiter Mars98 Orbiter during mapping operations
Delta payload fairings separate Angled view of the spacecraft's trajectory from Earth to Mars
Delta rocket during ascention into outer space Separation of solar array from the Lander backshell
Orbiter's main engine fires during aerocapture sequence Lander dangling from parachute
Orbiter's main engine fires during aerocapture sequence w/Mars in background Lander descending using thrusters
The multiple paths traversed by the Orbiter while acheiving a steady orbit Lander touchdown
Orbiter using aerobraking maneuvers Lander on Mars

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