MarsWatch 1996-1997

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24 March 1997

W25 used only. NPC was sharp, white and slightly asymmetric, thinning towards the f limb. A very difficult narrow streak across the cap along CM was seen, as yesterday, glimpsed at the moments of best seeing. NPC dark border was prominent and complex. All light areas were dull white and faint (Elysium, E. Hellas, W. Ausonia, Aeria and evening limb haze). Aetheria darkening well seen as was Propontis, Styx-Phlegra (double appearance), Trivium Charontis and Hyblaeus (divided into N/S components, darkest to N). Cerberus I and Chaos extension were faint, as was the dull extensions from Hyblaeus to the S across Aethiopis and to the Nf, separating Cebrenia and Aetheria. Boreosyrtis well marked but dusky, and extended to W.

Johan Warell
Nordic Mars Observers
Wennerbergsg. 11
S-754 21 Uppsala, Sweden

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