MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

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23 March 1997

With I.L., W25 and W21, Hellas and Ausonia were greyish-blue in their tint. In I.L. the NPC was pure white and Elysium, slightly oval in Sf-Np direction, was yellowish-white. A small slightly brighter core was seen in W. Ausonia in W25; also a large area around the NPC was hazily greyish-blue (frosts?). With W21 and I.L. the NPC showed very difficult detail in the form of a narrow dusky streak across the cap approximately along CM. NPC border very dark and detailed. Hyblaeus had two extensions to W, its S part duller. Two dark bands connected Mare Cimmerium and N Mare Tyrrhenum across Hesperia. Ausonia separated from N Eridania. Tritonis Sinus pointed, N border of Mare Cimmerium was intricate.

Johan Warell
Nordic Mars Observers
Wennerbergsg. 11
S-754 21 Uppsala, Sweden

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