MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

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16 March 1997

Hellas rivaled NPC in brightness in I.L., W21 and W80A and surpassed it in W58, W38A but was fainter in W25. Prominent morning and evening limb hazes. Noachis veiled in W58 and W80A. Nodus Alcyonius, Casius and Boreosyrtis visible as dark patches, with parallel extensions to W of Protonilus and Cecropia (?). NPC preceded by dark small streak and followed by dusky patch but no dark collar seen at the very edge; cap was sharp and of symmetric shape. Extensions seen from Syrtis Major. Dusky wide streak across Arabia-Eden-Cydonia. Blue clearing estimated as 1 with full aperture; Mare Tyrrhenum-Syrtis Minor very faintly seen as dusky patches in W47.

Johan Warell
Nordic Mars Observers
Wennerbergsg. 11
S-754 21 Uppsala, Sweden

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