MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

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13 March 1997

Observation of March 13, 1997
Begin: 22h 15m UT
End: 23h 10m

Ls = 90, diam = 14.1 arcsec

Drawing: 22h 40m, CM 341.

Semi-apo refractor of Osservatorio di Torino, 420 mm f/16.7, 412 X. Seeing (Antoniadi) II, good transparency.

Very strong haze on f. limb, extended over Acidalium, Oxia, Chryse, Margaritifer S. White cloud at prec. limb over Isidis Regio, and also on the other side of Syrtis Major (Aeria). The white cloud at the limb is brighter with W38A, while the other white patch (is it really a cloud ? it is not so white...) is visible only with W25. At 22.50 - 23.00 Syrtis Major seems to be partially covered by the cloud at prec. limb. Oxus is well visible, Deuteronilus faint; Protonilus not detected.

Paolo Tanga
Mars Program Coordinator
Sezione Pianeti - Unione Astrofili Italiani

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