MarsWatch 1996-1997

Images of Mars from Astronomers Around the World

Linking Amateur and Professional Mars Observing Communities

for Observational Support of the Mars Pathfinder Mission

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12 February 1997

Observation of March 12, 1997
Begin: 20h 10m UT
End: 21h 45m

Ls = 89, diam = 14.0 arcsec

Drawing: 20h 33m, CM 319.

Newtonian reflector, diam 150 mm, f/8, 240 X. Seeing (Antoniadi) III, bad transparency.

Hellas very bright, white cloud. S. Meridiani very prominent at the f. limb. Later, at 21:30 UT, Hellas is still bright at p. limb.

Paolo Tanga
Mars Program Coordinator
Sezione Pianeti - Unione Astrofili Italiani

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