Magnetometer and Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER)


  1. Establish the Nature of the Magnetic Field of Mars
  2. Develop Models for Its Representation, Which Take into Account the Internal Sources of Magnetism and the Effects of the Interaction with the Solar Wind
  3. Map the Martian Crustal Remnant Field Using Fluxgate Sensors and Extend These In Situ Measurements with the Remote Capability of the Electron Reflectometer Sensor
  4. Characterize the Solar Wind/Mars Plasma Interaction
  5. Remotely Sense the Martian Ionosphere


Two Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometers and an Electron Reflectometer will be used. Two to sixteen vector samples per second of the in-situ magnetic field will be acquired, and measurements of electron flux as a function of pitch angle will resolve local surface fields.


Science Team

M. Acuña, NASA/GSFC - Principal Investigator


K. Anderson - UCB

S. Bauer - U. of Graz (Austria)

C. Carlson - UCB

P. Cloutier - Rice U.

J. Connerney - NASA/GSFC

F. Cotin - CNES

D. Curtis - UCB

C. d'Uston - CNES

R. Lin - UCB

M. Mayhew - NSF

C. Mazelle - CNES

J. McFadden - CNES

N. Ness - Bartol Research Inst.

H. Reme - U. Paul Sabatier (France)

J. Sauvaud - CNES

P. Wasilewski - NASA/GSFC