1.2.2 Abbreviations


	AGC 		automatic gain control 
	AU 		astronomical unit 
	b/s 		bits per second
	CCAFS 		Cape Canaveral Air Force Station	
	CCSDS		Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
	C&DH		command and data handling
	CDU 		command detector unit
	dB/K 		decibel per Kelvin
	dBm 		decibel referred to 1 milliwatt
	deg 		degree
	DSN		Deep Space Network
	DSS		Deep Space Station 
	EIRP		effective isotropic radiated power
	ELS		eastern launch site
	EMC		electromagnetic compatibility 
	EMI		electromagnetic interference
	ENG		engineering-only telemetry data stream
	ER		electron reflectometer 
	ERR		eastern range regulation
	ESMC		Eastern Space and Missile Center
	ET		ephemeris time
	FED-STD		federal standard
	FOV		field of view
	GFP		government-furnished property
	GSE		ground support equipment
	G/T		gain/temperature
	Hz		hertz
	IAU		International Astronomical Unit
	ICD 		interface control document
	ID 		identification 
	IFOV 		instrument field of view 
	JPL 		Jet Propulsion Laboratory
	KABLE 		Ka-band link experiment
	kb/S 		kilobits per second
	keV 		thousand electron volts
	kHz 		kilohertz 
	KSC 		Kennedy Space Center
	ks/s 		kilosymbols per second
	L 		launch 
	m 		meter
	MAG 		magnetometer
	MBR		Mars balloon relay
	MEF		maximum expected flight
	MDA		McDonnell Douglas Aerospace
	MIL-STD		military standard
	MGS		Mars Global Surveyor
	MOC 		Mars orbiter camera
	MOI 		Mars orbit insertion	
	MOLA 		Mars orbiter laser altimeter
	MOS 		mission operations system
	MR 		Mars relay 
	mrad		milliradian
	mW 		milliwatt
	N/A 		not applicable 
	NASA 		National Aeronautics and Space
	NHB 		NASA Handbook 
	nT 		nanotesla
	OTM 		orbit trim maneuver 
	PDS 		payload data subsystem
	POR 		power-on reset
	RF		radio frequency
	RFP		request for proposal
	RS		radio science
	RSS		root sum square
	RTC		real-time commands
	SBRC		Santa Barbara Research Center
	SDS		spacecraft data storage
	S/C		spacecraft
	S&E-1		science and engineering data stream 1
	S&E-2		science and engineering data stream 2
	SEE		single-event effects
	SEL		single-event latchups
	SEU		single-event upset
	SFOC		Space Flight Operations Center
	SPE		static phase error
	sr		steradian
	SRFOV		stray radiation field of view
	SSC		stored sequence commands
	TCM		trajectory correction maneuver
	TES		thermal emission spectrometer
	USO		ultrastable oscillator
	VDIR		view direction