MR Info

Mars Relay (MR)


The Mars Relay Will Relay Data from Lander Packages Placed by Future Mars Missions Via a UHF Radio Link:

  1. To Obtain Images of Very Small Scale Surface Features to Measure the Size Distribution of the Mars Surface and the Physical Processes which Yield this Distribution
  2. To Provide In Situ Measurements of the Martian Meteorology
  3. To Collect High-Resolution Measurements of Selected Geophysical Parameters
  4. To Provide "Ground Truth" Values to Aide Interpretation of Remote Sensing Instrument Data


A UHF Radio Relay and antenna, which will support future landed Instrumentation Including cameras, altimeters, meteorological packages, IR spectrometer, magnetometer, nephelometer, inductive sounder, gamma-ray spectrometer, pulse radar, accelerometer, tensometers and dosimeters.


Science Team

J. Blamont, CNES - Principal Interface