History of Orbit Propagation Timing and Geometry (OPTG) Files Used by

Real Time Orbit Display - 30 Second Refresh

OPTG File Download Table
 Date Downloaded  OPTG File Used by Real Time Orbit Display
 Feb 4 10:05  optg_i_990203_OD1271-1274_1438_V1
 Feb 3 18:20  optg_i_990203_OD1271-1274_NoABX
 Feb 2 04:58  optg_i_990201_OD1247-1252_1320_V1
 Feb 1 03:36  optg_i_990131_OD1235-1240_1292_V1
 Jan 29 06:17  optg_i_990128_OD1200-1204_1244_V1
 Jan 27 23:57  optg_i_990127_OD1190-1193_1235_V1
 Jan 22 18:17  optg_i_990120_OD1121-1130_1247_V1
 Jan 18 03:20  optg_i_990116_OD1085-1093_1258_V1
 Jan 16 07:13  optg_i_990114_OD1068-1076_1207_V1
 Jan 13 17:27  optg_i_990111_OD1045-1052_1178_V1
 Jan 12 00:11  optg_i_990110_OD1037-1044_1162_V1
 Jan 11 02:08  optg_i_990109_OD1029-1036_1222_V1
 Jan 5 17:26  optg_i_990103_OD986-992_1113_V1
 Dec 23 19:02  optg_i_981222_OD909-914_1008_V1
 Dec 11 23:58  optg_i_981210_OD839-844_929_V1
 Dec 3 06:17  optg_i_981201_OD794-798_868_V1
 Nov 30 18:19  optg_i_981128_OD779-783_885_V1
 Nov 25 21:06  optg_i_981124_OD761-764_826_V1
 Nov 23 04:05  optg_i_981121_OD748-751_856_V1
 Nov 10 17:45  optg_i_981108_OD697-699_753_V1
 Oct 31 15:05  optg_i_981030_OD666-668_716_V1

Detailed explanation of OPTG files