Born: December 1, 1950; Ann Arbor, Michigan
Married: July 20, 1988 to Judith Stacy Cohn
Son Christopher Benjamin, born October 20, 1990
Son Devon Issac, born April 19, 1995
Co-Investigator on the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) Instrument 1993-Present
Chair of the Pathfinder Mineralogy and Geochemistry Science Operations Group
Project Manager of the Surface Stereo Imager (SSI) and Robotic Arm Camera (RAC) Instruments for Mars Surveyor Lander 1995-Present.
NASA Planetary Astronomy Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. of Arizona 1990-93
NASA Graduate Research Fellow: Brown University, 1989-1991.
Smithsonian Institution Graduate Fellow: Washington D.C., Summer 1986.
Budget Analyst for the Boeing Company: March 1978-January 1980..
Lieutenant United States Air Force: June 1972-Aug. 1973.
P1. Britt D.T. and Pieters C.M. (1988) Bidirectional reflectance properties of iron-nickel meteorites. In: Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 18th (G. Ryder ed.), pp. 503-512, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York.
P2. Britt D.T. and Pieters C.M. (1988) The origin of Phobos: Implications of compositional properties. Astron. Vestnik., 22, 229-240.
P3. Britt D.T., Pieters C.M., Petaev M.I., and Zaslavskaya N.I. (1989) The Tsarev meteorite: Petrology and bidirectional reflectance spectra of a shock blackened L chondrite. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 19th, 537-545.
P4. Ksanfomality L., Murchie S., Britt D., Duxbury T., Fisher P., Goroshkova N., Head J., Kuhrt E., Moroz V., Murray B., Nikitin G., Petrova E., Pieters C., Soufflot A., and Zhukov B. (1991) Phobos: Spectrophotometry between 0.3 and 0.6 mm and IR-radiometry. Planetary and Space Science, 39, 326-331.
P5. Murchie S.L., Britt D.T., Fisher P.C., Head J.W..,Pratt S.F., Zhukov B.S., Nikitin G.E, Kuzmin A.A., Ksanfomality L.V., Zharkov A.V., Fanale F.P., Blaney D.L., Bell J.F., and Robinson M.S. (1991) Color heterogeneity of the surface of Phobos: Relationships to geologic features and comparison to meteorite analogs. J. Geophys. Res 96, no. B4, 5925-5945.
P6. Britt D.T. and Pieters C.M. (1991) Black ordinary chondrites: An analysis of abundance and fall frequency. Meteoritics 26, 279-286.
P7. Keil K., Bell J.F., and Britt D.T. (1992) Reflection spectra of shocked ordinary chondrites and relations to C-type and K-type asteroids. Icarus 98, 43-53.
P8. Britt D.T., Tholen D.J., Bell J.F., and Pieters C.M. (1992) Comparison of asteroid and meteorite spectra: Classification by principal components analysis. Icarus 99, 153-166.
P9. Nelson M.L., Britt D.T. and Lebofsky L.A. (1993) Overview of Asteroids. In: Resources in Near-Earth Space (J. Lewis and M.S. Matthews, eds), University of Arizona press, 493-522.
P10. Howell E.S., Britt D.T., Bell J.F., Binzel R.P., and Lebofsky L.A. (1994) Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Observations of 4179 Toutatis. Icarus 111, 468-474.
P11. Britt D.T. and Pieters C.M. (1994) Darkening in black and gas-rich ordinary chondrite meteorites The spectral effects of opaque morphology and distribution. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 58, 3905-3919.
P12. Britt D.T. and Lebofsky L.A. (1994) The asteroid belt: Compositional structure and taxomony. In: The Van Nostrand Reinhold Encyclopeda of Planetary Sciences, in press.
P13. Britt D.T. and Lebofsky L.A. (1994) The asteroid belt: Meteorite parent bodies. In: The Van Nostrand Reinhold Encyclopeda of Planetary Sciences, in press.
P14. Rivkin A.S., Britt D.T., Howell E.S., and Lebofsky L.A. (1995) Hydrated E-class and M-class asteroids. Icarus, in press.
P15. Kring D.A., Britt D.T., and Swindle T. (1995) The Cat Mountain Chondrite: Petrology, spectra, and trace elements of an L5 impact-melt breccia. Submitted to Geochemica.
P16. Smith, P.H. et al., (1997) The Imager for Mars Pathfinder Experiment. JGR Vol 102, 4003-4025.
P17. Britt D.T. and Consulmango G.J. (1997) The density / porosity of Meteorites. Icarus, In review.
P18. Britt D.T. and Lebofsky L.A. (1997) Asteroids.
In: The Encyclopedia of the Solar System, In review