!-- WDC-C2 for Geomag., KYOTO Dst index download -->
The Final Dst index is published yearly in IAGA Bulletin No.32 series,
under the title 'GEOMAGNETIC DATA
Final Dst index is a free data set, and you may download the final
Dst index and use them in your analyses free. However, you are requested to
acknowledge 'WDC-C2 Kyoto Dst index service,
Dst stations and the persons who derive the index' or
make reference to the IAGA Bulletin No32 in your paper.
As of 1998, Dst stations for final Dst index are: Hermanus: South Africa,
Kakoka: Japan, Honolulu: USA, San Juan: USA'.
There are other many stations used to calibrate the index.
As of 1999, Dst index is derived by M. Sugiura and T. Kamei.
You can download Dst index in 120Byte/day ASCII format either in
ZIP a compressed image (approx. 10Kbyte/year), or in
a plain text image (approx. 44Kbyte/year), the latter may not be
downloaded to a file and may be shown on your display instead.
Selection of download Dst.