The INTMINS Project is based on:
- The Agreement between Space Research Institute (IKI) Russian Academy of Science (Director IKI - A.A.Galeev) and INSPIRE Project (President - W.W.L.Taylor);
- The MIR-INTERBALL Program coordinated by IKI (Director A.A.Galeev), Russian Space Corporation “ENERGIYA” (Vice-Director V.P.Nikitsky), and Institute of Applied Mechanic and Electrodynamic (Director G.A.Popov).
INTMINS (INTerball-Mir-INSpire) is an acronym created out of the names of three projects that are working together to investigate the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves from electron and plasma beams in the Earth’s ionosphere. The three levels active experiment in the magnetosphere is implemented.
- INTERBALL is the Russian space physics program for investigation of the physics of magnetospheric processes. INTERBALL consists of two satellites, the INTERBALL-1 (Tail Probe) and the INTERBALL-2 (Auroral Probe).
- Russian Space Station MIR is on orbit and
has been manned for many years. ENERGIYA is in charge of MIR. The instrumentation on MIR includes an electron gun, ISTOCHNIK and a plasma generator, ARIEL.
- INSPIRE (Interactive NASA Space Physics Ionosphere Radio Experiments), is a project to interest students in science and technology by making it possible for them to observe very low frequency (VLF, 3 to 30 kHz) radio waves. The program now includes schools in USA, Canada, England, Italy and Ukraine.
During the first phase of the INTMINS project, from 1 to 10 August 1995,
electron and plasma injections were performed when the MIR was above the sites
of the INSPIRE network. During the second phase on 17 September and 6 October 1995,
electron and plasma injections from the MIR were made when the MIR and the INTERBALL-1
were roughly on the same magnetic field line. The major objective was to work out the
most efficient way of the collaboration between all participants of the INTMINS
The current plan for the INTMINS is to have two major operation periods per year in
November and April.
Scientific head of INTMINS is Dr. S.I.Klimov.