BACK to Interball workshop main page.Wednesday 11th February
0730- Breakfast 0900 Opening and Welcome Presentations of Substorm Events 0915 Substorm A: October 22-23, 1996 E. Budnik & A. Fedorov 0955 Substorm B: November 13-14, 1996 N. Borodkova 1035 Substorm C: November 24-25, 1996 V. Stepanov 1115 Substorm D: December 22-23, 1996 Yu. Yermolaev 1200 Lunch 1300 Short previews of posters: 2 minutes / 1 viewgraph each 1430 Coffee break 1500 Taktiashvili et al.: The shape of energetic particles spectra in the geotail plasma sheet: Theory and INTERBALL observations 1520 Yermolaev et al: Magnetosphere response to interplanetary magnetic clouds: INTERBALL multisatellite observations 1540 Petrukovich et al: Substorm-related magnetotail pressure variations observed by INTERBALL and GEOTAIL 1600 Savin et al: The cusp/magnetosheath connection: magnetopause indentation and turbulent boundary effects 1620 Smirnov et al: INTERBALL tail probe observations of possible penetration of plasma blobs to the low-latitude dayside magnetosphere 1640 Galperin and Bosqued: Minimum-B/Creoss-tail line current-model for equatorial auroral arc: quantitative comparisons with data on SMC interval on 24.11.1981 and implications for INTERBALL studies 1700 Dinner 1800 Poster viewing and forming of 'ad hoc' working groupsThursday 12th February
0830 Work on Substorm Working Groups 1200 Lunch 1300 Work on Substorm Working Groups coffee break between 1400 and 1500 1700 Summaries of substorm working groups Planning of continuation of work 2000 Conference DinnerFriday 13th February
0900 Summaries of 'ad hoc' working groups Discussion of next workshop Closing of Workshop 1130 Lunch 1300 Bus leaves for Airport and Helsinki City