Zvenigorod Symposium
Second Announcement
The INTERBALL space mission (INTERBALL-1 with its subsatellite MAGION-4 in orbits with an apogee of 30 Re, and INTERBALL-2 with its recently reactivated MAGION-5 subsatellite in orbits with an apogee of 4 Re geocentric) continue to conduct important measurements in the solar wind, magnetosheath, magnetotail, magnetopause and above the auroral region. INTERBALL is a part of IACG unique fleet of spacecraft and coordinated data analysis together with GEOTAIL, WIND, POLAR, and with several low-altitude and geosynchronous satellites. Observations from these spacecraft and from the network of ground-based geophysical observatories already revealed a number of new important physical effects in the circumterrestrial plasma environment. They imply the need to reconsider some of the basic concepts and to formulate principal questions for further advanced studies. To continue this exciting work and to provide a wide forum for discussion and critical analysis of the new results obtained, the Russian Space Agency and Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences will organize a SYMPOSIUM
which will be held at Zvenigorod (resort place at Moscow-river) from February 8 to 13, 1999. At the recent INTERBALL workshop which was held in Kosice (Slovakia) a few major topics of this symposium were identified:
The meeting will focus on the INTERBALL results, but certainly will include results from other space projects on these topics, related modeling, and theoretical research. We also plan to discuss some new Russian space projects in the magnetospheric physics and possible international cooperation in their accomplishment. We are grateful to all colleagues who have submitted online preliminary registration forms. Now we announce that online ABSTRACT submission is available at the SYMPOSIUM home page. It is less than two months from now. Please submit your abstract before Christmas! If you have missed the preliminary electronic registration you might register simultaneously with providing the abstract. At the workshop home page you will also find social information about Zvenigorod, sightseeing possibilities in this area, and the approximate cost of accomodation. All important everyday life information will be continuously monitored at this site. The economic crisis that Russia is experiencing now, while has created some problems, does not seriously change our plans to conduct this meeting. We are sure that our participants and guests will not be disappointed at warm MOSCOW hospitality and cold beauty of Russian winter. |
Please address correspondence to:
V.StepanovPhone: +7 095 333 11 22
Space Research Institute of RAS
84/32 Profsoyuznaya Str
Moscow, 117810
Fax: +7 095 310 70 23
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