Christian Beghin, LPCE, Orleans, France,
Jean-Jacques Berthelier, CRPE, Saint-Maur, France,
-the PI of the DYCTION experiment (multi-window thermal ion
mass-spectrometer, ion densities and ion temperature);
Jean-Michel Bosqued, CESR, Toulouse, France,
Yuri I. Galperin, Space Research Institute (IKI) of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
Vladimir A. Gladyshev, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia,
Rostislav A. Kovrazhkin, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia,
Alexander K. Kuzmin, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia,
Francois Lefeuvre, CRPE, Orleans-la-Source, France,
Oleg A. Molchanov, IZMIRAN of Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk
near Moscow, Russia;
-the PI of the experiment ISOPROBE - Double Mutual Impedance
Interferometric Probe (high precision/high time resolution
electron density and temperature).
-the PI of the quasi-DC electric field experiment;
-the CoPI of the TBF-ONCH multi-component wave experiment;
-the CoPI of the magnetometer-TRAC experiment.
-the PI of the experiment SPECTRO - multi-detector low energy
particle measurements (energy, angle and ion mass spectra);
-the PI of the low energy particle experiment (4 parallel fixed
energy channels).
-the CoPI of the magnetometer-TRAC experiment.
-the PI of the high energy particle experiment (4 channel electron
and 4 channel proton solid-state spectrometer).
-the PI of the auroral photometry experiment (3 photometers for
visible auroral lines and a stellar photometer).
-the CoPI of the TBF-ONCH multi-component wave experiment.
-the CoPI of the TBF-ONCH multi-component wave experiment.
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