June 10, 2003 | | V.I. Tretyakov HEND data for solar events and for orbital variations of background
| | R.O. Kuzmin Distribution of free water in Mars subsurface based on HEND data onboard 2001 Mars Odyssey
| | V.I. Moroz Mission Mars Express: Scientific tasks
| | Ë.Â.Êñàíôîìàëèòè The HEND experiment finds and stange properties of Martian gullies
| | M.A. Kreslavsky Peculiar texture of high-latitude ground-ice-rich terrains
| | S. Charyshnikov Comparison between neutron data from HEND and gamma-ray data from GRS
| | M.A. Ivanov Geological interpretations of water rich equatorial regions
| | A.B. Ivanov Mars Polar Layered Terrains : observations from THEMIS investigation
| | M.L.Litvak Model-dependent deconvolution of HEND neutron data by MCNPX code procedures
| | A.B. Sanin HEND program of GRB observations
| | V. Grinkov Robotic algorithm of HEND detection of GRBs
| | A.S. Kozyrev HEND physical calibrations: status report
| | A.I. Tsygan Numerical modeling of energy-angular distribution of secondary neutrons above the Martian surface
| | D.Drake Z-dependent model of neutron leakage flux from Mars produced by galactic cosmic rays based on MCNPX calculations
| | V.I. Tretyakov BTN – HEND analog on international space station
| | I.G. Mitrofanov Nuclear Instruments for future planetary exploration