and Microscale Particles in Natural Phenomena and Plasmas" Professor S.I. Popel (Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres RAS) Abstract: A review of the
results of investigations carried out at the Institute for Dynamics of
Geospheres RAS and devoted to nano- and microscale particles in natural
phenomena and plasmas is presented. In particular, the cavitation
mechanism of formation of nano- and mirospherules in Earth's crust,
processes of formation of nano- and miroscale particles in human
environment, in Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere, and in space are
discussed. An emphasis is given to nano- and miroscale particles in
chemical explosions, in rockfalls and rockslides, in the processes of
formation of noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes, in the
processes accompanying an impact of a meteoroid with an atmosphereless
cosmic body, etc. The influence of charged nano- and miroscale particles
on the formation and evolution of perturbations in laboratory and
ionospheric plasmas is discussed.