Format of ACE Plots
Description of Data Sources
Prediction technique
Description of plot panels:
- IMF GSM Bz and B magnitude (nT)
Bz is color coded:
green: Northward Bz
yellow: Small Southward Bz
red: Large Southward Bz < -10 nT
- Phi angle of IMF vector in YZ GSM plane (degrees)
- Solar Wind Density Ni (#/cc)
Ni is color coded:
green: Ni < 20 #/cc
yellow: Ni = 20-50 #/cc
red: Ni > 50 #/cc
- Solar wind Velocity Vi (km/s)
- Delay: Expected arrival delay assuming ACE to Earth distance of 235 RE
- Data gap code:
green: No gap
red: Gap in MAG and/or SWEPAM data
- Substorm prediction code:
Blue: Quiet
green: Small substorm
yellow: Large substorm
red: Storm-time substorm
- Storm prediction code:
Blue: Quiet
green: Weak storm
yellow: Intense Storm
red: Major storm
- Dst Geomagnetic index prediction
Dst is color coded:
green: Dst > -50 nT
yellow: Dst = -50 - -100 nT
red: Dst < -100 nT
- Eac Epsilon parameter integral over interval with input power > 1010 Watt
Eac is color coded:
green: Eac < 1016 J
yellow: Eac = 1016 - 1017 J
red: Eac > 1017 J